Tied Together With A Smile (Otis x Olympia)

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(Otis x Olympia)

Olympia gazed at herself in the menacing, round mirror above her bathroom sink. As she studied the reflection all she felt was a sense of hopelessness and sadness. Her classic smile wasn't present yet, since it was for show for her friends later. She couldn't help but hate every single quality about herself. The shade of brown in her orbs, the reddish tint to her dark hair, the red, square glasses that she just put on, and even things that were on the inside. Why did she have to be so perky, and hyper? Why couldn't she just be cool, calm, and collected, even a bit more like Otis? Sure, he could be a bit grumpy at times, but at least he wasn't annoying. She believed that everyone secretly hated her, including her partner, and also best friend, Oona. She ran both of her hands through her hair in frustration, gripping onto the lightened locks from the bright bulbs framing her mirrored image.

"Ugh... Why do I have to be me," she thought out loud, pulling her hair into a tight, straight back, bouncy ponytail. She then adjusted her Odd Squad suit, before traveling through the tubes, practicing her cheerful grin already.

"Hey, Otis," she greeted happily, giving him a wave.

"Hey, Olympia. Ms. O already has a case for us. Something to do with pizza...," he trailed off.

"Sounds delicious," beamed Olympia.

"That's giant, and trying to destroy the town," he finished.

Her smile instantly fell as it dawned on her she had spoken too soon. "Oh..." She felt her heart plummeting to her chest, vanishing into a depressed state.

"Are you okay, partner?" It was the first time Otis had detected the turmoil below the surface.

Olympia merely stretched her mouth upwards again, chirping, "Why wouldn't I be? Let's go solve this case! Yay..." She then whipped her hair around as she led the way, hoping he didn't catch her out of character attitude trying to appear.

Otis found himself nodding his head slightly, gazing after the girl that he found to be the most beautiful in the world, yet he never could will himself to confess that.

"Seems the only one who doesn't see your beauty

Is the face in the mirror looking back at you

You walk around here thinking you're not pretty

But that's not true 'cause I know you"

It was a synch to defeat the angry food, and soon they were back in headquarters again.

"Where are you going," Otis wondered, since Olympia was making a beeline for the restroom.

"Oh, just going to the bathroom... I'll be right back. I have to, uh... clean my glasses! Yeah, the pizza sauce got all over them... Bye!" She then ran off at top speed, her partner confused since her lenses had been crystal clear.

As soon as Olympia shut the door, she calmly walked up to one of the mirrors, her lower lip trembling as a sob threatened to escape.

"Hold on, baby; you're losing it

The water's high, you're jumping into it

And letting go, and no one knows

That you cry; but you don't tell anyone

That you might not be the golden one

And you're tied together with a smile

But you're coming undone"

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