A Real Friend (Ohlm x Olympia)

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A/N: Hey guys, I hope you enjoy this one shot. It's a bit different than the others that I've done. Instead of focusing on love, it's more about friendship. I hope you enjoy it. Please let me know if you like one shots with Ohlm. (: I would like to do more with him, but I'm never sure who to pair him with. Any who, like always please remember to comment, vote, and follow. Thanks again! (:

(Ohlm x Olympia)

Ohlm couldn't help but smile silly as he just came back from Olympia's latest episode of OddTube. He felt as though he was on cloud nine, which Orchid scrunched her face at when she saw him approaching. 

"What's up with you, Sherman," she sassily asked. 

"Nothing... Just had the best moment of my life...," he trailed off in a daze, as he held his hand over his heart and stared up at the ceiling. 

"Okay... I don't see what could have been so great about today. All we did was fight a Laser Chicken, which I expertly defeated," she bragged some as she folded her arms across her chest. 

"Yeah, I don't know much about Laser Chickens...," Ohlm admitted as he was broken out of his daydreams for a bit. 

"So, what is it," inquired Orchid. 

"What's what," questioned Ohlm, already forgetting their previous conversation. 

"Never mind," Orchid sighed in annoyance, as she rolled her eyes and shook her head. 

She then left her partner, who had gotten distracted by his own thoughts again. 

"Howdy do, Ohlm. Where you off to," wondered Oona as she skidded into view. 

She was lugging a heavy supply of gadgets back to the lab. Odelia (a scientist from another Odd Squad) had dropped off some of her extra devices, so that's why Oona hadn't put them away yet. 

"I honestly don't know anymore," he admitted sadly as he looked at the ground. 

He started walking off, Oona making a puzzled face after him as she pursed her lips together. Ohlm eventually sulked all the way into the main headquarters, where he saw the reason that his whole entire day had lit up. 

"No, I'm the lucky one," Olympia argued with her boyfriend, Otis. 

They had started one of their typical, silly fights over who was the best partner. 

"No, you are, because...," Otis yelled back, but with her shouting with him it was hard to make out any of their words. 

"Hey! Are you two seriously arguing about this again," asked Ms. O as she popped up out of nowhere. 

"Yes," they shamefully confessed as they both lowered their heads. 

"Your break is almost over. When it is, I have something odd for you to check out," Ms. O informed them with a single nod, before striding upstairs to her office. 

"We do need to stop fighting over this," Otis pointed out as he studied the desk top he was sitting on the edge of. 

Olympia was standing close by as she nodded her head that was focused on the floor. 

"Yeah...," she agreed. 

"I'm going to go finish my sandwich, partner," Otis spoke as he jumped off his desk. 

"Don't you mean your bread," Olympia teased him. 

"Don't start another fight," he huffed slightly, since he wasn't in the mood to continue arguing about frivolous things. 

"Right," Olympia replied, pursing her lips together until she caught Ohlm staring in her direction. 

By that point, Otis had gone into the break room to get his "sandwich" that he hadn't even gotten to yet. When they talked, he tended to lose track of time, while Olympia had already finished her order from Shmumber's. 

"Hey Ohlm. Can I help you with something," wondered Olympia, causing Ohlm to blink as he jerked slightly out of his daze. 

"Oh... Hi, Ohlm! I mean, Olympia! I mean...," he sighed as he slumped and sat on the edge of her desk. 

"What's wrong," she wondered kindly. 

He sighed as he looked up at her, his brown eyes searching hers for words to say. 

"I know that you're dating Otis, but I really like you, but every time I'm around you I mess up on what I want to say," he confided as he felt foolish for his feelings. 

"But you did fine talking to me earlier on OddTube," she positively reminded him. 

"Yeah, but I didn't have a crush on you then...," he couldn't help but express depressingly. 

"Aw, Ohlm, I'm flattered, but you know that I'm dating Otis," she spoke. 

"Yeah, I know," Ohlm glumly answered. 

Olympia opened her mouth to speak again, but Ohlm cut her off, "It's just that no one's ever been that nice to me before. They all think that I'm annoying, or stupid." 

"They don't think that at all, Ohlm," Olympia attempted to reason. 

"Yes, they do! When I did the case with Otis that one day, I could tell that he was really annoyed with me," Ohlm exclaimed sadly. 

"Don't worry about, Otis. He's like that with everybody, even me sometimes," she assured him. 

"It's not just that. I feel like I'm not that great of agent. I mean, Orchid and I needed outside help to solve that one case, and then she did all the work today. I don't even know what a Laser Chicken looks like, if it has feathers or lasers," he commented. 

"Ohlm... Laser Chickens are giant chickens with lasers shooting from their faces," Olympia clarified. 

"See?! I messed it up! Just like how I mess everything up," he shouted as he stood up to leave. 

"Wait! Ohlm," Olympia called to him before grabbing his shoulder gently. 

"What," he asked as he sniffled a couple of times, and stared at the ground, hoping it would swallow him up into the dinosaur room. 

"You are a good agent. Ms. O wouldn't keep you around if you weren't, and I like you," she shared. 

"Really," Ohlm asked brightly as he spun around, a twinkle in his warm, brown eyes. 

"Not like that, because I'm with Otis, but I do like you as a friend," she smiled nicely at him. 

"Thanks, Olympia. I guess I was sort of caught up in the pans," he told her. 

"The what," she asked cluelessly. 

"The pans, remember? No one's bothered to take that much interest in them before," he mentioned, hoping she hadn't already forgotten the last OddTube episode. 

"Oh, right, the pans," Olympia recalled, nodding at him knowingly. 

"They were awesome, Ohlm! Well, maybe not as awesome as pandas, but still," she noted. 

"What are pandas," wondered Ohlm. 

"You don't know," asked Olympia, her mouth hanging open in absolute shock. 

"No," Ohlm reacted simply. 

"I've got to show you then," she urged, leading him over to her desk to bring up the files she had saved of the adorable bears. 

As she flipped through each photo, Ohlm felt warmness inside. It may not have been from having a crush, but it was something he cherished more than that, a real friend.

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