In Their Hearts (Otis x Olympia)

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(Otis x Olympia)

Olympia had just zapped the last person with a red, blue, yellow, and white beach ball head. There was a party currently going on at the local ballroom, but chaos had broken out when Circle Sue showed up on the scene. It had been tricky to get everyone back to normal, especially since they were running around in a type of panic. Olympia smiled positively as she waved to the final couple leaving.

"I got them all, partner," Otis informed her, situating his arms behind his back once he reached her side.

"Nice one, partner. I did too," Olympia beamed as she gazed over at him. The DJ, unaware of the odd outbreak had just run back into the room from the restroom. He didn't even look up as he announced the closing song of the evening, which happened to be a slow dance. Suddenly Otis tensed up more than he was before, wanting more than anything to ask Olympia to join him. He almost opened his mouth to say something, but then the moment passed, and Ms. O had popped up beside them.

"Good work, agents. For your hard work, you can have the rest of the day off, or evening," Ms. O corrected.

"Cool. I guess I'll be going home then," Olympia responded, her ponytail swinging as she took a few steps forward.

Otis's mouth suddenly felt dry as he dashed after her. "Partner! Wait!"

That was when she turned around, her brown eyes sparkling in the dim lighting, her auburn hair shining. Otis could feel himself getting closer, his heavy feet somehow managing to move, but that was when...

There was a high pitched scream, and Olympia was gone. The sleek, wooden floor had given out from under her, and she had plummeted into an eerie, pitch black hole.

"Olympia," Otis called, barely hearing Ms. O yell his name. He had already jumped into the oblivion, the most important thing to him finding his partner.

It seemed that he fell for forever, but then he was pleasantly surprised to land on a large pile of smooth leaves. Thankfully that broke his fall and he hadn't injured anything. He directly stood up, brushing off the traces of dirt on his pristine sleeves. He then heard another scream nearby.

"Partner?!" He raced in that direction, pushing the lush green out of the way. The sight he witnessed caused his heart to plummet out of his chest. There was a certain redheaded girl being attacked by a... T-Rex? "Olympia! Over here!" He waved his arms up high in the air to capture her attention. It worked, but the plan was not foil proof. Soon they were both running next to one another, leaping over small boulders, trying to escape their seemingly inevitable doom.

"Over here," whispered a soft voice. They didn't think twice as they obliged, and slid into a hole that led them as an earthy slide down into a small room.

Otis and Olympia both yelled out at first, standing close to one another in fear. They had come face to face with a dinosaur that was quite tall with a duck-bill.

"Sh... You don't want them to hear you," the creature spoke, them faintly hearing the stomps overhead from the fierce carnivore. As soon as it grew quiet again, they stopped staring up at the ceiling.

"How did you get down here," Olympia wondered to the dinosaur that stood on a pair of strong, hind legs. It also had a couple of short arms, and its color was a yellow-orange shade with more of an indigo on its back. She estimated it couldn't be any shorter than eight feet.

The dinosaur chuckled quietly before answering, "I'm Macy, Macy the Maiasura. I'm known as the good mother dinosaur, and don't worry, I am a herbivore."

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