Roses Are Red, Violets Are Green (Olive x Otto)

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(Olive x Otto)

Odd Squad headquarters had been plagued by red, pink, and white decorations everywhere, since Valentine's Day was on the way. Otto couldn't help but casually stroll through the building, his mind racing with what he could get Olive. He always failed to admit is true feelings for her, but he thought maybe he could show her with a gift. He sighed as he spotted Oscar already presenting Ms. O with a mega-sized juice box, which was her favorite flavor. Ori had given Orchid a puppy, and she laughed as the canine licked her face. Even Dr. O had received flowers from a secret admirer, and she grinned as she gazed down at the bundle in her doctor's office. As soon as she noticed Otto, her face grew serious again as she strode confidently up to him.

"Hello, I'm Dr. O. We've met before, the time we-"

"I know." Otto cut her off, a little annoyed by this constant, same conversation.

"I wanted to thank you for the flowers you sent me," she curtly replied, as though she wasn't fazed by him snapping at her.

"I didn't send you any flowers...," he trailed off, clearly confused.

"Well, if you find out who did, please tell me. I want to thank them in person," she said, before turning on her heel stiffly.

"What kind of flowers are those," Otto questioned, noticing the green blooms, but Dr. O gasped as she suddenly put on an alarm system. "What's going on?" Otto stared around the room as the glow from bright, red lights covered every inch.

"These flowers have been infected with Green-itis."

"Green-itis," he echoed, not familiar with the term.

"Yes, it's an odd virus that turns everything green."

"And it's contagious," Ms. O added, covering her mouth and nose with her hand in the doorway.

"Ms. O, what are you doing here," Otto wondered.

"There's no time to explain. Put these on," the short girl sternly ordered, handing Dr. O and Otto each a white, fabric face loop mask, which covered their nose and mouth, while it easily was attached to their ears to stay on.

"Otto, I need you and Olive to find out who Dr. O's secret admirer is, and where they got the flowers. Well, what are you waiting for? GO!"

Otto practically tripped as he rushed down the flight of stairs, eventually finding Olive, who was standing next to Oscar in the lab.

"Ms. O... wants us... to find... Dr. O's... secret admirer," he breathed, out of breath from running.

"Let's go," Olive nodded seriously, walking next to her partner after putting on her own medical face mask. They searched for quite a long time, when suddenly they noticed that Olaf was acting more suspicious than usual within the hall of doors.

"Hey, Olaf," Otto greeted.

"Hi, I'm Olaf," the tan boy greeted, holding his hand up for a wave.

"Do you know anything about the flowers Dr. O got," Otto inquired.

"Potato," exclaimed Olaf, taking one out of his pocket as he grinned widely. "For you."

Otto stared down at the vegetable now in his hand, before continuing, "Look, we need to find out who Dr. O's secret admirer is, so we can find out where her green flowers came from."

"That's easy. Logan the Ogre gave them to me," he shared. "I love giving presents on Valentine's Day!"

"Thanks," Otto answered, already starting to leave as they heard Olaf call behind them.

"I'm Olaf!"

Eventually Olive and Otto reached the infamous Loganberry Tree, which Logan the Ogre was faithfully guarding.

"I found the flowers in a field. They weren't green when I found them though. They were purple, or maybe blue," Logan explained following the duo's recent question.

The two agents wasted no time in locating the field he mentioned, instantly putting their protective masks on again when their eyes were met with multitudes of vivid, green flowers.

"Here's the cure Dr. O gave us," Olive spoke, whipping out the concoction in a tall, clear container from behind her back.

"How are we going to spray all the flowers," Otto pondered.

"Oscar also gave me his jet pack," Olive explained, strapping the heavy device onto her back. She also managed to attach Otto in front of her on it, so that they could complete the mission together. Otto called out where she needed to drop the medical liquid next, since it was hard for Olive to see with the wind stinging her eyes. Finally they had fixed the plants and were safely back on the ground.

Olive smiled faintly as she plucked one of the small, blue flowers. "Violets," she stated, just observing the delicate petals. "My grandfather used to give my grandmother roses and violets every year for Valentine's Day." Her smile fell though as she added, "Until she passed away a few years ago."

Otto looked over at her with his lips pressed together, feeling sympathy for his partner. "I'm sorry, Olive." He carefully touched her shoulder as her brown orbs were coated with a thin layer of tears.

"It's okay. I don't like Valentine's Day anyway. It's overrated," she claimed, but Otto could tell she was only speaking through pain.

"Oh, I get it. It's like the rhyme." He connected the dots to her earlier story as Olive looked over at him, sniffling for a second.

"What," she asked.

"Roses are red, violets are blue, I'm the luckiest guy in the world to have you as my partner, and also I... love you," Otto finished, bracing himself for her reaction.

Olive's eyes swam with tears as she threw her arms around him. She was just so overwhelmed by emotion, that she hugged him without thinking. After her sobs subsided, she slowly pulled away, looking up at her best friend.

"I love you too, Otto," she confessed.

He breathed a sigh of relief at her words. "Good. I thought I just made things worse."

"No, you made things better," she confirmed, crossing her arms as she gave him one of her signature, small smiles.

"I've just wanted to tell you how I felt for so long, but it never seemed like the right time. Things would get in the way, and then I thought Valentine's Day might be too obvious, but I wanted to try, and-"

He was cut off by a sweet, simple kiss from Olive, his skin burning as he blushed.

"I think I like Valentine's Day now," she told him, Otto's heart leaping as they both turned to just gaze at the multitudes of blue flowers before them. As the sunset shone into view, they couldn't help but think how even though it was the end to a day, it was the beginning to something new.

A/N: Hey guys, I was inspired recently to write this one shot from something that was in the new season 3 of "Odd Squad." What do you think about the new series? I think I like it so far, but it's kind of hard getting used to how it has new characters, and how Odd Squad is going global instead of being just at headquarters. I think my favorite character so far is Orla though. :) Anyway, I'm happy that I was finally able to write a one shot for Olive and Otto. It's been a long time since I've written for them. I know Valentine's Day is already gone, but I hope you enjoyed this holiday themed story for it. :) As always, please remember to comment, vote, and follow if you enjoyed. Thank you so much!! <3

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