The Core Of Their Relationship (Olive x Otto)

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(Olive x Otto)

Otto and Olive had just gone through an entire afternoon, seeing what their lives would have been like if they had different partners. It was a nightmare with Oren and Olive/Otto and Olaf, and almost as bad with Baby Orson and Otto/Orchid and Olive. Owen/Otto, along with Olive/Oksana seemed promising, but there was a twist at the end. Oksana and Owen had both turned on their own partners, only if Owen had a legitimate excuse with a dentist appointment. Olive and Otto were then sent to count blobs in Blobsivania, and they both vowed to each other that if they were partners, they never would betray each other in that way. They were then having the time of their lives in this fantasy, Ms. O even leaving them sitting in the chairs with the lights dimmed in her office. She knew they were having fun by their smiles, and she didn't want to ruin the special moment. 

"This is actually fun," Otto laughed as another slimy, blue blob hit him in the face. 

"I know," Olive called back, just as happy. 

The vision went on for awhile, but once they had finished their mission, they were heading back to headquarters together. 

"I had the time of my life out there," exclaimed Otto, the wide grin still across his face.

 "Me too, partner," Olive replied, which made both of them stop walking just outside the tube lobby. 

She hadn't even meant to say that, it was just a slip of the tongue. Otto stared at her in shock, as she also seemed just as surprised, her face scrunched up a bit. 

"Sorry, I know that we're not actually partners," Olive emphasized, but as soon as she turned to walk away, Otto grabbed her wrist. 

"That's sort of a good thing, because then it would make it ten times more awkward when I tell you this," Otto claimed. 

"Tell me what," Olive reluctantly asked, looking back at him. 

Otto sighed as he stood there, looking less than charming with glowing, slime all over his outfit. Olive didn't notice though, especially since she was just as a mess as he was. 

"I like you," he confessed after the longest pause. 

"You what," Olive questioned, struggling to process that. 

"I like you. I have ever since I came to the squad, and I secretly always wished that you would be my partner," Otto admitted. 

"I...," Olive failed to respond, since she felt the exact same way. 

The moment she had seen Otto as a new recruit, she had wanted to get to know him better, the cute boy with tan skin, floppy black hair, and the most gorgeous brown eyes she had ever seen. Before this day, he had mostly just been a random name, but after all that they went through recently, he really felt like something more. How could one single mission change all that? 

"I like you too," she finally choked out. 

Otto had an extra big smile plastered across his face though, which made her feel a little less uneasy inside. 

"Good. I was afraid you might not feel the same," Otto confided. 

"How could I not," Olive wondered. 

Just as they were gazing extra deeply into each other's eyes, Olive and Otto were having the helmets taken off, bursting the fake memory. 

"Sorry, I know you two were having fun with these, but Odd Squad is closing soon. I have to lock all the doors in headquarters, and then go home. You should too," Ms. O advised. 

Olive and Otto still wore expressions of great shock though from what they witnessed. They had never thought about feeling more than friendship towards one another, but the special helmets had changed all that.

The next day they even purposely arrived at different times, avoiding looking at one another. 

Otto broke the silence first by requesting, "Can you hand me a pencil, partner? All of mine are broken." 

"Sure. How did you do that," Olive couldn't help but question. 

"Two words. Pencil basketball," Otto answered a bit smugly. 

He expertly used the plain, yellow pencil she just gave him as a catapult to flip a wad of paper into a white, paper cup. Olive couldn't help but silently laugh a little, an amused expression on her face. 

"Oh Otto," she sighed fondly. 

Otto was smiling too, but it faltered when their eyes met for one of the first times, since the awkward imaginary happening. 

"Did you really mean it, when you said that you liked me," Otto couldn't help but wonder, looking down at his new pencil. 

"That was a fantasy, Otto. The helmets made us see that," Olive logically reminded him. 

"Yeah, but it was what would of happened, if we hadn't been partners, so technically couldn't it have been possible to happen," Otto inquired, his speech confusing. 

Olive made a slight face in puzzlement, although she was grasping the gist of what he was saying. "I guess," she reluctantly agreed, her now the one studying the keyboard on her desk. 

"Olive, I just realized, I do like you," Otto blurted out, unable to stop himself. 

He could feel the faint blush already growing stronger in his cheeks. 

"You do," Olive questioned, finally lifting her head. 

"Yes, I do, and I didn't realize it until that fantasy woke me up. I should of realized it sooner. We've known each other even longer than the version of us as not partners. Why is it I told you so much sooner then," he pondered over. 

Olive smiled slightly with her arms folded, suggesting, "Maybe you felt that you had less to lose." 

"What," Otto shot back in confusion. 

"Look, you barely knew me in that alternate universe, so if I had rejected you there was less at stake. But in this universe we've been partners for a long time now, so you could have lost a friend," she explained. 

"And am I going to lose a friend, if I really meant that I actually like you now," Otto wondered. 

The corners of Olive's mouth twitched upwards as she said, "Not at all, because I meant what I said. I like you too." 

Otto's complexion was a bright red by then, but Olive just found it adorable and endearing all at the same time. She never knew she had that much of an affect on him. 

"So, what do you say we head to the Donut Room to celebrate our friendship," Otto requested. 

Olive smiled a tiny bit as she reacted, "Let's go." 

Otto couldn't help but catch her happiness, when he heard her classic, catchphrase. As they walked together side by side towards their destination, they couldn't help but blush when their hands accidentally brushed against one another. Instead of ignoring it, or shying away though, they just boldly shared grins between each other and intertwined their fingers together. Even though they were more than just friends now, nothing would ruin the core of their entire relationship, friendship.

A/N: Hey guys, I hope you enjoyed my first one shot with Olive and Otto. Please remember to comment, vote, and follow. As always, thank you so so much! (:

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