The Real Magic (Otis x Olympia)

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(Otis x Olympia)

Everything was well at Odd Squad headquarters. Rouge jet packs were flying around, centigurps were bouncing into the lunch room, which was serving spaghetti and meatballs, and Owen was nowhere to be seen in front of the security monitors. It was just a regular, hectic day at the squad, and that's the way that Otis liked it. He took it even less for granted ever since the whole fiasco of confessing he was once a villain, and Ms. O and Olympia getting punished for his crimes as well. Yes, Otis was happier than he ever had been, and he didn't plan on anything crushing it.

"Hey Orchid, what are you doing," Olympia asked as her and her partner strolled by.

"Agent Orson, I mean Mr. O," Orchid corrected, appearing annoyed. "Told me to clean out Ohlm's old desk. Typical." She rolled her eyes before heaving the bottom drawer out, which was also the biggest.

"What's inside," Olympia couldn't help but wonder, stretched forward for a moment on her toes to take a peek.

"Nothing. Ohlm really didn't want anyone finding out that he was actually a villain." Even in normal conversation, Orchid's sassiness always shined through.

"Have you talked him since... you know," Olympia awkwardly questioned. She swayed side to side slightly, not sure if that was the right thing to ask.

"Yeah, once," the young girl admitted, a flashback appearing in her mind.

She was on her badge phone, and Ohlm had somehow setup his cellphone so that he could call her. He had expertly hidden it in his sock drawer, so his parents would never confiscate it.

"Hello? Ohlm?" She waited for his response.

"It's pronounced Oh-"

"Save it. I don't have time for this. I just called to ask if you want your stuff out of your desk. Baby Orson said I have to clean it out for you."

"No... You know, I honestly thought you would be the one to turn against Odd Squad first."

"Excuse me?" Her threatening voice on the other line was enough for Ohlm to drop the subject.

"Nothing," he responded simply.

"That's right, because I'm awesome." She then proceeded with yelling out, "Muahahaha, Muahahaha!"

Ohlm winced as he held his phone away from his ears a little, the sound almost killing them.

Then Orchid suddenly hung up, skipping away merrily as she swung her arms. "La la la la la."

Olympia nodded her head some with pursed lips, as she took in the entire story.

"Now I have to get ready for my new partner," Orchid complained.

"Oh really?! Who is it?!" Olympia beamed, always up to meeting anyone new.

Just then an unfamiliar agent showed up. They were around Orchid's height, and he had tan skin and black hair swept to the side. He was actually pretty cute, but Orchid was not in the mood to notice that now.

"Hi, are you Agent Orchid? I'm your new partner, Okie," he happily greeted, waving for a moment.

In the distance Owen had just gotten back from his 4 hour break. Another agent was holding up a clipboard with a pen, since he needed to sign it for his shipment of his fresh baton.

"Please sign here," the blonde girl requested with braided pigtails.

"Okie dokie," Owen agreed positively.

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