Come Back... Be Here (Oona x Xavier)

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(Oona x Xavier)

"You're fired!"

"Why aren't you doing your job? You're fired!"

"I'm on break," Owen defended. The X's were on one of their typical firing sprees, terminating about everyone's job there.

"Fine, but if we catch you out of line, then you will be fired," Xena vowed.

Oona couldn't help but look up, noticing the usual loud girl, while her partner seemed a bit more quiet.

"What are you looking at," snapped Xena, her dark eyes livid.

"I was just thinking up a new gadget," Oona stammered horribly.

"Well, then start working on it already," Xena yelled. It seemed that the duo had gotten worse lately, and just then the inevitable happened. The white piece of hard material slipped through Oona's fingers, and shattered onto the floor, nearly electrocuting Xavier's feet.

It was as though everything was in slow motion as Xena raised her head, the words just about to form on her lips. "You're...!" It didn't sound so loud when Oona had lost her hearing from anxiety.

"Temporarily fired," Xavier cut in seriously.

"Temporarily fired?" Xena and Oona had spoke in synchronization, Xena whipping her head to glare in the brunette's direction.

"Yeah, I want her to work the Night Shift instead," he stated.

"But the Night shift is nearly impossible to work with," Oona pointed out, recalling Otis and Olympia's chilling stories.

"That's my final offer. Either that, or we can fire you," Xavier threatened calmly, raising his eyebrow slightly for a split second.

"Fine, when do I start," Oona reluctantly wondered.

"Tonight. Meet me in the Bullpen. Midnight. Sharp," he ordered curtly before they left the lab, Xena still shooting dirty looks in the female scientist's direction.

Oona watched as Ms. O went up to random agents, letting them know that they weren't actually fired. Xena always forgot who she yelled at by the next day. It was strange how Xavier had seemed less harsh lately. That time he had the discussion about firing Baby Orson, he had more confusion etched across his face than a iron stiff demeanor. Oona felt a strange stirring in her chest, almost that of a flutter? "Stop it, Oona," she ordered to her beating heart.

The blue hue transformed headquarters into a different atmosphere at night, and Oona was exhausted from being up the entire day. She yawned widely as she stood next to her counter in the lab.

"Come on. It's time for you to work," Xavier demanded rudely.

Oona gingerly nodded her head, following the boy with black hair, and a fancy suit of the same color.

"Clean up the Robot Princess Room," he stated outside the pink door with a silver crown on it.

"What? Are you crazy?! That's the most dangerous room in headquarters," Oona exclaimed, distress written across her face.

"And you're in the most danger of losing your job! You've dropped at least ten gadgets this week. Scientists should not let that happen," he said loudly back, her suddenly growing silent.

"Fine," she spoke softly, nodding her head before entering the forbidding room. By the end of the night, Oona had dirt smudges all over her, and she was more tired than ever before. Xavier had made her do grueling work, and she even had to enter the Volcano Room to retrieve an important paper that accidentally got in there.

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