Love Is Pain (Olympia x Todd)

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(Olympia x Todd)

Olympia never predicted this would be her job. Ms. O had assigned her to work with Odd Todd on his villain therapy. Even though he was pretty much better, and a gardener by then, her boss wanted to make sure that things stayed that way.

"So, Odd Todd...," Olympia trailed off, rolling up the sleeves to her white button up shirt.

"It's just Todd now, or Gardener Todd if you prefer," the boy cut in. He had black hair with a white streak running straight up through it, and also a tiny, long, wispy, white hair sticking up from one of his eyebrows.

"Okay, so Todd, how do you feel about turning good?" Olympia neatly shuffled the cards in front of her.

"Well, it does beat being hunted down all the time. It's like Odd Squad never wants to give me a break," he noted.

"You were a villain, one of the worst villains...," she recalled.

"And...! I was one of the best agents," he bragged as he crossed his arms.

"Fine," Olympia reacted in annoyance.

"Why so sour, Pia," he taunted, suddenly taking a cup filled with straight up lemon juice from behind his back. He took a long drink, before sighing in content. "Ah... That hit the spot."

Olympia scrunched her nose up in disgust. "Don't call me that. My name is Agent Olympia. I mean, normally I love nicknames, but something about this is different... I mean, if Otis called me Pia I would be thrilled, but he's just not like that, and it makes me wonder, is this just like an act, is he pretending not to be interested in me..."

"Pia," Todd yelled at her, causing her to flinch slightly, since he had leaned forward. "Just get on with the therapy. Although at this rate, it's more like an interrogation. How odd... I love it!"

"That does it!" Olympia threw the cards down onto the table. "If you're not going to take this interview seriously, then I suggest you leave. Once a villain, always a villain..."

Todd uncrossed his arms as Olympia had finally hit a sensitive cord. "I'm Gardener Todd! Even your weird partner, Otis, could see that! Why can't you?!"

That really made Olympia think as she sunk back into her chair across from him. "Fine... I'm sorry. But you're not exactly making this easy."

"What do you expect, Pia? You've taken me to the same place, where Scribbles and I used to interrogate the other villains. There are a lot of memories here..." He gazed around the four walls, an all too familiar ache/longing striking his heart.

"So, you had a thing for, Olive...?" Olympia couldn't help but wonder.

"No! I mean, why would I? She was so slow at solving cases. I could have done so much better without her! She was only holding me back, and it got so boring! Why couldn't the villains think of more complicated problems?!"

Olympia was firing back though when he had insulted her idol. "Olive is one of the best agents the squad ever had! And if you hadn't messed things up, then maybe you would have been a Mr. O with her instead of Otto!"

"You don't think I know that?" Todd started rubbing one of his temples. "Geez, I messed things up big time then."

"So, you did like her," Olympia questioned, almost sounding cheerful on figuring it out.

"Fine, Pia. Are you happy? But it wasn't real. I mean, I even went up and apologized to her after I changed, and she still chose to stuck with that Otto! I don't even know what love is, because this sure isn't it! All this is is pain. Love is pain."

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