Sweeter Than Hot Chocolate (Otis x Olympia)

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A/N: This is an idea that I based off of parts of a dream I had not too long ago. I think it actually might have been about Olympia and Otis, but I'm already starting to forget most of it. (X I hope you enjoy this one shot. As always, please remember to comment, vote, and follow. Thank you so much! <3

(Otis x Olympia)

It was national Do Your Paperwork Day at Odd Squad headquarters, but even with Olympia's face close to the paper she was scribbling words out on, her thoughts were elsewhere. All she could think about was how today was the day. Today was the day that she was finally going to confess to Otis her true feelings. Her toes typed faster on the keyboard below her desk as her heart beat fast from the mere thought. Her fingers were not only flying across her regular keyboard, but also gliding the pencil across effortlessly on the parchment she kept finding more of to fill out. Nothing had ever stopped her from being efficient at her work, not even the intimidating blue of Otis's eyes when she told him her deep, hidden secret. Soon the day was done, and she was relieved to rest her eyes from staring at a glowing screen constantly. She slumped down onto the floor of the tube lobby, more ready than ever to go home. She was waiting to catching Otis on the way out though, since he was slower at getting things done than her. Mainly because he would put his odd reports off until the last minute, which almost cost them an award once. 

"Olympia," asked Otis confusedly when he paused inside the doorway. 

"Hey," she greeted quietly with the cheeriest smile she could muster. 

"I thought you'd be home by now," he noted. 

"No, you know me. I love my job so much that I don't even want to leave it...," she felt herself beginning to ramble, but she stopped herself. 

"And I was kind of waiting on you," she added on the last bit, actually looking at the ground shyly for once. 

"For me? What's up," questioned Otis, genuinely surprised. 

"I wanted to know if you, uh... Would like to walk me home! Yeah," she exclaimed happily with her speedy excuse. 

Otis's eyebrows were still knit together in puzzlement, but he agreed with a nod. 

"Sure. Let's go...," he spoke, both of them getting in a tube next to one another to leave headquarters. 

"So, how was your day," Olympia asked as they kicked up crunchy Autumn leaves on the alleyway. 

"A lot of work," Otis replied with a shrug. 

"Well, yeah, it is Do Your Paperwork Day," Olympia pointed out a bit awkwardly, almost walking too close to him as she looked down for a moment. 

Just then she noticed a gum wrapper blowing past her feet, her eyebrows knitting together in confusion. 

"Look out," yelled Otis, shielding her as hundreds pieces of trash were flying straight at them. 

"What's happening," called Olympia as she squinted her eyes. 

Thankfully her glasses helped to shield the strange debris. 

"It's a trash storm! We need our trash-inators," he shouted back. 

"Are you sure it's not the garbage-inator," Olympia questioned in a loud voice back. 

"Positive," Otis said confidently. 

He pulled out his gadget, zapping the fragments of trash that were attacking them. Olympia followed his lead as soon as she could get her device out, the wind soon dying down and the horrible mess vanishing. All that remained was a bunch of more dead, brown leaves on the pavement, and their hair and outfits were a complete mess. 

"I'm exhausted. Between this and the paperwork," Otis sighed, storing his gadget away again. 

"I have an idea where we can go," Olympia piped up, gladly leading him to Polly's lemonade stand, only it was hot chocolate for the chilly season. 

"Two hot chocolates, please," Olympia smiled warmly once she strolled up to the counter. 

"Two hot chocolates coming up," Polly announced, pouring the hot liquid carefully into two, white styrofoam cups. 

"Do you want marshmallows," she asked. 

"Of course," Olympia answered positively. 

Polly strained her neck to check out what Otis was up to, noticing how he seemed more shaken up than Olympia. 

"Rough day," asked Polly knowingly. 

"Yeah... We sort of ran into a trash storm, but we cleaned it up," Olympia confided. 

"Good, because I had to close down from the one last week. Here's your hot chocolates," Polly told Olympia, handing her the steaming drinks. 

"Thank you, Polly," Olympia chirped before hurrying over to her partner, careful to not let the stuff spill. 

"Thanks, partner," Otis gratefully spoke, taking the cup and sitting on one of the square seats Polly had right in front of a fence. 

"Can you guys watch my stand for a bit? I'm getting low on this stuff," Polly observed as she held up the large thermos. 

"No problem," Olympia reacted with a big smile. 

After Polly had left, Olympia sighed loudly, knowing it was now or never. 

"Okay, so the real reason why I wanted to see you after work wasn't for you to walk me home, it was to tell you something I've been wanting to tell you for a long time, and I don't know how you'll react, but it's something that I've really wanted to tell you for a long time, and I-i... I like you, Otis, okay? I like you," she exclaimed, squeezing her eyes shut as she awaited his answer. 

All she heard was silence though, causing her to shoot her eyes open, although she still didn't dare to look at him. 

"Otis? I've been wanting to tell you this all day, and now you're not even going to say anything about it?! Otis...," she trailed off, finally looking over at him, a bit angry from his silence. 

"Otis," she yelled when he was fast asleep in an awkward position with his back leaned back far away from the fence, and the back of his head against wooden wall. 

"Huh," he wondered as his eyes fluttered open and he jerked. 

"Did you hear anything I just said," inquired Olympia. 

He blinked his eyes a few times before responding, "I like movies." 

Olympia sighed as she felt her shoulders sag, and all she could do was stare into her swirling brown hot chocolate, the marshmallows already either dissolved or eaten. 

"What's wrong, partner? I'm sorry I dozed off," Otis apologized. 

"I like you...," Olympia said so quietly even she barely heard it. 

"What," asked Otis, straining his ears to listen. 

"I said, I like you, Otis! That's why I wanted to see you after work today," she exclaimed, looking over at him as frustration replaced her nervousness. 

Otis raised his eyebrows in shock at first, but then he was producing a silly, half-smile/smirk. 

"I like you too," he admitted. 

Olympia's insides were melting, while her face glowed brighter than it ever had, which even Otis didn't think was possible. Then it was Otis's turn to shock her as he gave her a soft, brief kiss, a grin attacking both of their faces afterwards as their eyes sparkled more than ever. Not only did this beat their Halfiversary, 31st-iversary, and Friday Felebration, but there was one new thing Olympia knew now. Otis's kiss was sweeter than hot chocolate.

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