His Dream Girl (Oren x Olive)

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A/N: Hey guys. (: I'm not sure what I think about this ship, but I do know that I like to try out different ones. I find it interesting to not only write about them, but read about them as well. I hope you enjoy this one shot. Let me know what you think about Oren and Olive together, or who you pair Oren with, because I struggle to know who to put him with. Thanks so much for reading! <3 Please remember to comment, vote, and follow. Thanks!

(Oren x Olive)

Olive got along with about everyone on the squad. She was so social that she knew about all of their names, and she even tolerated Orchid's sassiness well. There was one person though that could crawl under her skin, and he knew it. 

"What are you doing," Olive wondered as they were gathering up gadgets for parts. 

Ms. O and Oscar had switched bodies, and now it was their mission to fix the gadget that could fix it, since it had been broken. 

"What does it look like we're doing? We're working," Oren rudely responded. 

He had leaned forward on the inflatable chair he was on, which was on top of the ball pit. His partner, Olaf, was right next to him on an identical seat of his own, except he had dark sunglasses on. 

"I'm Olaf, working," Olaf contributed. 

They even had magazines and coconut drinks with little umbrellas, which just further proved that they just weren't doing anything. Oren was wondering why Ms. O didn't send them on Otto and Olive's top secret mission. 

"Because it involves your greatest fears," Olive fabricated. 

"Pancakes," Oren asked worriedly, Olive making a slight face at that odd phobia. 

"And your other greatest fears," added Otto seriously. 

"That I won't grow up to be a dentist," Olaf questioned in a high voice. 

"Yes," Olive answered uncertainly, after sharing a strange look with her partner. 

"Take the gadget! Just take it and go," exclaimed Oren desperately, as he threw them the device they needed. 

Olive and Otto were running off by that point, but Oren and Olaf's greatest fears did make quite an impression. Weeks after that incident, Otto was getting ready to eat his lunch in the break room, smiling at how delicious it looked. 

"What's that? It looks like a pancake," shouted Oren before Otto could answer. 

Oren was then hiding behind Olaf as he looked past his partner's shoulder. 

"Agh," screamed Olive when she skidded into view. 

"Is that a pie," she inquired loudly. 

"Oh no! It has sugar! It must cause cavities," Olaf expressed worriedly. 

"You guys are weird. It's just a crepe," Otto pointed out, Olive breathing a sigh of relief, along with the other two. 

It was then obvious that it was actually a crepe with just a bunch of whipped cream on top. Olive jumped away from Oren when she realized how close they were standing, and as they looked at each other with widened eyes, there was a flicker of understanding for a moment. Olive couldn't understand that she was actually feeling something towards him other than disgust.

Even more time passed, and Olive was now a Ms. O, running her own Odd Squad with Otto also in charge with her. She adjusted her uniform as she sighed into the mirror, double checking her proper ponytail. 

"Olive," an all too familiar voice spoke. 

She jumped as she turned and saw Oren halfway in her office. 

"Oren? What are you doing here," she asked, truly surprised. 

"I came to give you a present, with you being a Ms. O, and all. I've always secretly wished it would be me, but here, just take it," he offered. 

Olive was wary as she took the big, square gift. It was bright yellow with an orange ribbon wrapped around it, and tied onto the top to secure the lid. She still felt uncertain as she sat down at the chair behind her big desk, carefully untying the ribbon. Oren was watching her nervously the whole time, even chewing on his lower lip for a moment. 

"Pancakes? But you hate pancakes," Olive remembered as she lifted the food in a thin, square container out of the box. 

"Yeah, but you don't," he pointed out. 

"But why? Did you do something to them," she asked, secretly suspicious. 

"No! I mean, you're a Ms. O now, and I'll be leaving Odd Squad soon to solve cases elsewhere. My partner's a werewolf," he explained. 

"Olaf's a werewolf," Olive struggled to comprehend. 

"The signs were there all along," Oren commented. 

Then flashbacks were going through their minds of every moment that Olaf had howled randomly, instead of using words to speak. 

"Oh yeah," agreed Olive with a slight nod. 

She was back to reality though as she still was perplexed over why Oren was actually there. 

"Still, what made you decide to come here, and do this," Olive wondered. 

He sighed before replying, "I couldn't leave with you thinking that I was a bad guy. I'm sorry that I was a jerk to you all those years. I only did it because I liked you." 

"You liked me," Olive asked, not convinced. 

"Yes, that's why I was so obnoxious around you. It infuriated me that you didn't seem to feel the same way," he confessed. 

"But why me," Olive questioned, still puzzled. 

"Because you're smart, fun, and a nice person. Everything I'm not...," he trailed off at the end, as he looked down at the carpet. 

Olive folded her arms across her chest as a slightly smug smile inched across her face. 

"That's not true. You are one of those things," she said. 

"What's that," Oren asked, as he lifted his head and squinted his eyes in thought. 

"Smart, and I think right now you've proved yourself to be nice too," she spoke. 

"Two out of three isn't bad," Oren modestly admitted. 

"Now, what do you say we get out of here, and go to the Bears' basketball game I have tickets for. Then you can have the chance to be all three," she pointed out. 

Oren smiled some as she walked over to him. 

"But aren't you taking Otto with you," Oren found himself wondering out loud. 

"Otto's extra busy today, so he couldn't make it. So, that means it's just you and me," she smirked faintly. 

"You know, I left out one thing about you earlier," Oren admitted as he gazed at her. 

"What's that," Olive asked as she looked into his eyes. 

"Pretty," he stated, biting his lower lip softly. 

"I'm glad you're handsome instead," Olive flirted back. 

Oren couldn't help but let the smile spread across his face, since he was not only going on the date he head dreamed of for years, but with his dream girl

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