Better Than A Soundcheck Song (Otto x Olympia x Otis)

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(Otto x Olympia x Otis)

"No way," shouted Otto on his end of the conversation.

"Yes way!" Olympia happily responded back, holding her badge phone snuggly up to her ear. "Soundcheck's newest song just came out a whole day early!"

"We should celebrate! How do donuts sound," Otto asked. He checked his busy schedule one last time, smiling when he could circle the free time during three in the afternoon.

"Yummy! Wait, do you want to meet up at my Odd Squad, or your Odd Squad..."

He intervened with an answer, before she had the chance to ramble. "Your squad sounds good. Olive's dealing with a blob infestation downstairs right now. It's a mess."

"Why aren't you helping," Olympia wondered, confused.

"First off, I already caught about a hundred of them, and second off, Olive let me go when you told me about the new Soundcheck song."

"Olive is the best," Olympia boasted happily.

"I know." Otto smiled slightly before adding, "I'll see you in a minute."

Olympia couldn't help but keep smiling like crazy, jumping when he was literally beside her in exactly one minute.

"Ready to go," he checked, holding out his arm.

"Yes!" She didn't hesitate to link her arm with his, them heading straight for the Donut Room.

By the time they had listened to Soundcheck's song over twenty times, they also had about that many donuts altogether.

"Ugh... I'm stuffed," Olympia complained, her arms over her stomach, as she slouched against the wall on the floor.

"Me too, and one of the my special talents is eating food," he agreed.

She smiled a little as she sat up a bit more. "Hey Otto?"

"Yeah," he wondered, looking over at her. His knees were bent upwards, since he was sitting on the ground next to her.

"You should hang out with Otis sometime, and I should hang out with, Olive. I mean, since we're dating and all, we should get to know each other's partners better..."

"Is this just because you want to hang out with your favorite idol?" Otto knew her too well.

"Maybe...," she dragged out, reluctant to admit it.

He ended up smiling some though. "Sounds awesome. I'll let you know when you and Olive can hang out."

"And I'll let you know about you and Otis. Well, after I tell him..." She felt a little nervous on how that might go, since Otis wasn't keen on bonding time.

"Deal." Otto grinned as he held out his hand, her blushing as soon as it met with hers.

"Deal," she repeated confidently.

"I don't want to do this."

"Please, Otis. I want you to see how great of a guy Otto is. I am dating him, and I think it might be getting kind of serious..."

Otis raised his eyebrow at her. "What do you mean?"

"Well, we listened to Soundcheck for forever yesterday, and now we're hanging out with each other's partners... Please, Otis, can't you do this one thing for me?"

His expression softened as he finally sighed in defeat. "Fine."

Olympia squealed as she jumped up from her desk to give him a tight hug. "Thanks, Otis!"

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