Cheesy (Ohlm x Oona)

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(Ohlm x Oona)

Oona had just gotten done giving Ohlm the correct amount of square crackers to eat. It was the cure to the triangular, yellow cheese with holes he had for a head. If she fed him the wrong number of the pieces of food, then he would stay like that for forever. She silently sighed in relief when he was back to normal.

"Sorry this happens every day," Ohlm apologized.

"That's okay. I like the lab smelling like cheese," grinned Oona, him also smiling some.

This had become such a routine that she didn't think twice when he came into the lab. She would just jump up and grab the square container of crackers.

There was one day though where something seemed different. Oona just couldn't place her finger on it, as she finished up helping a kid that had sat on a beautiful mineral, that had given them an octagon on their bottom. She struggled not to laugh, as she helped his partner to fix the problem, who was also giggling. Soon things were back to normal, until...

"There you are! Something very odd has happened," shouted Ms. O, causing Oona to drop five gadgets she didn't realize she was holding.

Ms. O growled when her legs turned into jello, and her feet became beet red. "Oona!"

"Sorry, Ms. O!" Oona scrambled around to pick up the gadgets.

"As I was saying, something very odd has happened. Ohlm has wandered off and no one can find him! Plus, his head turned into a cheese head again...," trailed off Ms. O, finally not talking as loud.

"But Ms. O, why don't you send Olympia and Otis to fix this, and what about his partner, Orchid," Oona questioned, setting the items onto the counter.

"Not everything has to involve them. Plus, Orchid's on vacation for the day. I thought Ohlm could handle the case on his own, which he did, but then he got lost..."

"On it, Ms. O," Oona stated, trying to sound more confident than she felt.

"Good luck. You'll need it," her boss told her before leaving.

It felt strange for Oona to be hurtling in a green pod through the tube system. She rarely if ever got to leave headquarters during the day. That was more of the agents' requirements. She felt dazed as she stumbled out from behind a towering, pine tree, the needles pricking at her skin when she fell against the one opposite her. She took a deep breath, before brushing herself off, tugging on her lab coat, so that it would transform into a toastier coat. She then gathered all of her courage to trudge through the quiet forest. The only sounds she could register were of birds twittering, and an occasional squirrel scurrying across the dried up leaves. Winter was fast approaching, and the animals seemed to be preparing for it.

Every little break of a twig cause Oona to go into a frightened stance, something felt off about the place she was in. She almost yelled when a shadowy figure hurried past.

"Ohlm!" She called out his name, hoping so much that he would hear her. At least if he was around she would no longer be alone, or have to deal with this mysterious thing.

The silhouette brushed past a few trees nearby, and Oona went into an awkward run. She thought she might be losing its trail, but then she tripped over a root sticking up from the ground, going flying onto the hard earth below. "Ow...," she breathed, hardly able to push herself up. She had scraped her face pretty badly.

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