Now I Know (Ohlm x Olympia)

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(Ohlm x Olympia)

Olympia hadn't paid it much mind at all when Ohlm said to her, "Hey Olympia. You know about love, right?" 

"Yeah," she hesitantly answered, putting down the pen she had been using to write with at her desk. 

"Well, whenever I'm around Orchid, my heart beats faster, and my palms sweat, and my mouth goes dry, and I don't even know if what's coming out of my mouth are words anymore," he commented in desperation. 

Olympia smiled softly at him, thinking the younger boy was cute as he talked about his feelings. 

"Ohlm, that's normal when you have a crush," she informed him. 

"So, I don't actually love her," Ohlm checked. "I don't know. I've never been in love," she shrugged. 

"But what about you and Otis? Aren't you two like the best of friends, or something," Ohlm questioned. 

"We're partners," Olympia clarified. 

"Oh yeah," Ohlm smiled, as though that fact just dawned on him. 

Olympia shook her head a little with a small, amused smile across her face. 

"Ohlm, I say go for it," she encouraged. 

"But what if she likes someone else, like Ori," Ohlm wondered. 

"I haven't even seen Ori around lately," Olympia noted, which was true. 

"What do you mean," Ohlm asked. 

"You just said you were worried that Orchid liked Ori," Olympia reminded him. 

"See?! I get worse the more I think about her," Ohlm exclaimed. 

"Calm down, Ohlm. Everything's going to be okay. Just find a good time when Orchid's not busy, and tell her," Olympia advised, as though it were simple. 

"Thanks, Olympia," Ohlm smiled warmly. 

"No problem," Olympia beamed, the corners of her mouth turned upwards extra far.

Later that same day, Olympia found some free time to do another video for OddTube, which Otis was grateful to not be a part of. She was doing a tour of the tube lobby, and introducing one of the tube operators, and soon she was being squished into a red pod, to travel. 

As she spun in all different directions, her heart leapt as she said behind the camera, "Is that Agent Ohlm?" 

It turned out to just be a part of the earth, and soon she was back to yelling happily about how awesome the tubes were. When she walked out into the large, open, green field, she told her viewers how she had to climb a super tall building, that unfortunately had no elevators. It was the nearest tube entrance, and she was dreading it at first, as she finally tucked her camera away. As she walked though, strange feelings started hitting her. Why had she been so excited, when she thought she saw Ohlm on the way there? What was that lightning strike of hope, that painful squeeze in her heart of something being wrong? 

"He can't be with Orchid. They're not right for each other. I don't know anymore though... all I know is that...," she trailed off, finishing in her mind, "I like him a lot." 

Just then Olympia discovered newfound strength, and she was jogging before running to the towering building in the distance. Even though she was practically panting once she got inside, she still fought against every aching muscle in her legs to climb the endless-seeming flights of stairs. Why did her ride back to headquarters have to be at the top of his building? All she could think about though was Ohlm telling Orchid that he liked her, and him getting rejected, or worse, Orchid feeling the exact same way. Who knew? Maybe they really did love each other, but they couldn't! Olympia still couldn't gather her thoughts, as she huffed up the steps, not pausing for a second. Finally she collapsed into the tube entrance, flying back to Odd Squad at the ultimate speed. She didn't even greet the tube operator, as she stumbled out of her mode of transportation, making a beeline for the doors. She was running through the main part of headquarters like a crazy person, Otis looking up from his paperwork at her confused. 

"Olympia," he asked. 

She didn't hear him though, with the loud pounding in her ears, her heart never more ambitious, yet scared and tired in her entire life. She skidded to a stop when she spotted Ohlm with Orchid in the short distance, deep within the hall of doors. 

"Spit it out, Sherman," Orchid was just then ordering. 

Ohlm sighed as Olympia ran forward, feeling as though she were trying to prevent a wedding, or something. 

"I like you, Orchid," Ohlm got out, causing Olympia to wave her arms out in front of her, as she almost fell from ceasing to move. 

"Sorry, Sherman, not gonna happen," Orchid sassily spoke. 

"Why," Ohlm wondered sadly. 

She sighed as she said, "Look, I don't mind you as my, partner, but you and me, we just never would work out as a couple." 

"Oh," Ohlm stated, his shoulders sagging as he looked down in disappointment. 

"Besides, you should have said something earlier, Ori just asked me out," Orchid confessed. 

"Okay," Ohlm reacted, clearly not okay. 

"Sorry, Sherman. Now, I have to go catch some centigurps for Ms. O," she shared, before skipping away without a care in the world. 

Olympia's heart broke for Ohlm, yet she felt guilty from the relief flooding her body. 

"Ohlm! Don't listen to her! I was wrong before! I have been in love," Olympia shouted, her emotions so mixed up, even she didn't know how to act. 

"Congratulations. I'm sure you and Otis will be very happy," Ohlm muttered to the ground, before starting to shuffle away. 

Olympia grabbed his shoulder, to turn him back around. 

"No, Ohlm. It's not Otis I'm in love with," she corrected. 

"Well, still, congratulations," Ohlm replied, her grabbing him when he went to leave again. 

"Ohlm! It's you," she stated. 

His eyes widened as he pointed to himself. 

"Me," he asked in complete disbelief. 

"Yes, Ohlm. I never realized it, but... After we had that conversation, and then I thought I saw you in the tubes, and it wasn't you, and I had to run across this meadow, and climb like the tallest building, which doesn't even have an elevator! And all I could think about was you and Orchid, and how it wasn't me, and...," she rambled, before Ohlm reached up and pecked her lips super quick. 

She stood there, now the one with her mouth gaped open in shock. 

"Now I know what love is too. I'm sorry I didn't see it sooner. I mean, you've always been so nice to me, Olympia, and Orchid's great, but she's not you... Great, the words coming out of my mouth probably aren't words, are they," he betted in frustration. 

"No, Ohlm. They're perfect, and I understood every word," Olympia confirmed with a silly smile attacking her face. 

"Really," Ohlm double checked. 

"Really," she nodded, her auburn ponytail bouncing for a moment. 

"Wow, love feels great. My heart beats fast around you, yet I feel warm inside, and happy, and normal," Ohlm commented. 

"Me too, Ohlm," Olympia agreed, gently taking his hand, causing the boy to blush brightly. 

"Now what do you say we go to the Party Room to celebrate," she positively suggested. 

"Okay," Ohlm smiled widely, before they began walking side by side. It was silent for awhile, until Ohlm piped up again. 

"Did I tell you, I love you yet," he suddenly wondered out of nowhere. Olympia couldn't help but smile at the odd boy, that she loved. 

"Yes, Ohlm, and I love you too," she responded, both of their grins bright enough to light up the sun. 

They didn't even need that door, with the light switch to control the burning sphere in the sky.

A/N: Okay, so this was an idea I literally had for like an entire month. Probably sometime in March. I just never got around to writing it until later. (X I hope you enjoyed it. Please remember to comment, vote, and follow. Thanks! <3

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