Too Young (Owen x Orchid)

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(Owen x Orchid)

Ms. O felt that it was time for Orchid to have a partner. Even though the small girl had been doing fine the past 5 years by herself, she felt it could be beneficial if she had one. Since Ms. O was struggling to pick someone, she just settled on Owen, who ran the security. Ohio would take his place, while he was a temporary partner with Orchid. Orchid was instantly skeptical of her newest partner, and if Owen was completely honest, she made him a little nervous with her famous, sassy personality. 

"So, do you want to go play some pranks on people," wondered Orchid. 

"Don't we have a mission to go on...," Owen reluctantly trailed off. 

"Nope. I always have so much time on my hands...," she admitted, but she seemed a bit annoyed by that. 

"Okay," Owen shrugged to her previous offer. 

Orchid confidently led the way, opening up the closet that she also stored her dinosaurs in, which were all on a green hill/mountain she created. 

"Did you do all this," Owen asked, raising his eyebrows since he was impressed. 

"Yeah, why," Orchid shot back, still not warmed up to him yet. 

"This is impressive. I've only ever dealt with real dinosaurs before," Owen commented. 

Orchid felt the corners of her mouth twitching upwards slightly, but she suppressed her smile. 

"Thanks... I've only ever dealt with toy dinosaurs before," she confessed back. 

"Yeah, these are much nicer. They don't try to eat you," Owen observed, Orchid making a face at what he told her. 

"I guess," she shrugged, tugging out a few small, white boxes. 

"What do these have in them," Owen wondered. 

"Don't open that... lid," Orchid finished. 

It was too late, and her partner was now covered in colorful rhinestones, and glitter all over his face. She gave him a sassy look as she rested her hand on her hip, annoyed that her prank had been wasted on him. 

"Orchid, this other box is stuck," Owen exclaimed suddenly. 

"Don't open the other one," she desperately yelled, but it was a trick, and then her face had been hit by the multi-colored mess. 

She squeezed her eyes shut, before managing to look at him. She didn't know what overcame her, but in the next moment he was laughing some, and then she was joining in by only giggling at first. 

"I can see why you're the master of pranks," Owen said. 

"Oh, I'm much more than that, I'm the queen," Orchid bragged, snapping her fingers in a z-formation. 

"Queen Orchid... Nice," he responded, causing her to blush faintly. 

Why was her heart beating so quickly too? She shook her head to ignore the turmoil of feelings inside. Just then they heard the loudest voice at the squad, even being deep within the hall of doors. 

"Owen! Orchid! In my office! NOW," shouted Ms. O at the top of her lungs. 

"We better go, Sherman," Orchid spoke, shutting her closet's door. 

"I'm Owen," he reminded her with a confused expression. 

"Cool," she shrugged, not in the mood to argue. 

"What happened to you two," Ms. O inquired, appearing puzzled over their glittered faces. 

"Sherman here opened my prank boxes," Orchid accused as she gestured to him. 

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