Starlight (Oprah x O'Donahue)

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(Oprah x O'Donahue)

Oprah took a deep breath as she readjusted her hair, that was in a bun of braids atop her head. She had done her best to pull off the look of being a duchess, which wasn't difficult, considering she was a real queen before. She adjusted her sparkly, long, gold, sleeveless dress before venturing out into the night. She couldn't help but notice the lack of clouds to reveal a display of sparkling diamonds in the sky. For a moment, she smiled softly to herself, imagining if the stars really were diamonds. That would be a job for the Odd Squad she couldn't believe she finally had joined a couple of decades ago. She had despised the organization for ages, but eventually it grew on her, or maybe it was her dashing partner, O'Donahue.

"I met O'Donahue on the boardwalk, summer of '45

Picked me up late one night at the window,

We were just kids and crazy, running wild, wild"

"Hey, Oprah, I wasn't sure if you would show," her partner admitted, decked out in his ensemble on the boardwalk. He was sporting the traditional black, suit jacket, and of course, a vibrant, pale blue Hawaiian shirt underneath with gold palm leaves.

"So, where is this party," Oprah asked, changing the subject.

"It's a surprise, but trust me, it's fancy," he assured her, climbing into a toy car that resembled a bigger, bulky version with a navy blue paint.

"You getting in," he asked.

"The doors don't open in this car," she pointed out.

"I'll help you then. Come on, Oprah," he urged, carefully taking her hand, as she managed to climb inside.

It was calming to be moving along at a steady, slow pace, the breeze tickling the back of Oprah's neck. She couldn't help but revel at the warm season, almost not noticing the glowing dots of lights up ahead. O'Donahue pulled the car over onto a section of a beach, where the tide wouldn't reach. After he helped her out, they both gazed at the yacht docked nearby.

"You weren't kidding when you said it was fancy," Oprah laughed a bit nervously. Something about this party made her feel uneasy, but it might have been the secret crush gnawing at her. O'Donahue grasped her hand, making her nerves worse.

"Ready?" He looked over at her, giving her hand a reassuring squeeze. He seemed to sense something was up.

"Let's do this," Oprah spoke confidently.

As soon as they left the crunchy rocks that replaced sand, they were strolling along the wooden dock, and then up the ramp to the beautiful ship.

They were instantly greeted with idle chatter and soft music. The entire room was decked out in gold, and it almost resembled a palace with its two staircases leading up to a second floor, the red velvet on the steps so plush and expensive. Oprah was grateful that her black flats weren't too pinchy, since the carpet was so comfortable.

"Can't remember what song it was playing when we walked in

The night we snuck into a yacht club party

Pretending to be a duchess and a prince"

"Care to have this dance," O'Donahue suavely asked, taking Oprah's hand. She could already feel her face growing warm as she blushed faintly.

Why was he the only person that could make her almost backward? Normally she was more collected, even if she had a temper from time to time. She forgot about being nervous though as she started having fun, as she was twirled around.

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