Camouflage-Part 2 (Otis x Olympia)

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(Otis x Olympia)

"Hey, partner," Otis greeted with his arms behind his back.

"Otis?! How? Why?" Olympia's mouth was gaping open in a mixture of shock, and mostly happiness.

"We have a case to solve. Ms. O wants us back together," he shared.

"But I thought you hated me!"

"Would I have talked to you so long at the party if I hated you," questioned Otis, still appearing serious.

Olympia suddenly thew her arms around his neck, feeling the softness of his t-shirt against her cheek. It all felt so real as she just stayed in that position for awhile. She even inhaled the sweet, chlorine smell of his pristine outfit. Wait, if Ms. O wanted them back, why was he wearing regular clothes? Wouldn't he need a proper suit? And why was Olympia in sweatpants and a pair of grey socks, obviously on the streets of a bustling city? And that wasn't her apartment behind her, but a farmhouse, and now Otis was gone! And a cow was mooing in her face. Why was the animal chocolate colored? What was...

She jerked her head up, as the vibrations from her cellphone sounded around the small room. Someone was trying to call her, but when she checked the id, she realized it was a wrong number. Normally she would answer anyway, and help the best she could, but she was in too much of a haze to do that. She sat up as she stretched, feeling something plop onto the floor close to the couch she was on. Her heart broke, when she realized it was the rainbow panda Otis had given her. Maybe that's why she felt as though she was actually hugging him, since she had fallen asleep with the stuffed animal. She yawned as she shook her messy, auburn hair, not even knowing why she hadn't made it to her bedroom to rest the previous evening. In her dream-like state, she threw her hair back up into a floppy ponytail, and then she dragged her feet towards the front door. The newspaper had just been delivered through the mail slot, and she retrieved it from the ground. At first her eyes lazily scanned the page, but then they were widening when she read the small snippet in one of the corners.

"Former Odd Squad agent, Agent Otis, is due to be wed today."

The article then continued to explain the time and place, saying that anyone was welcome, especially from the squad, present or past members.

Olympia's hands were shaking, the flimsy paper rattling in the process. Who else would have left the organization with Otis's name?

She gulped down air, as she finally released the thin material. Her feet had a mind of their own as they raced into her bedroom, finding the gleaming, diamond ring that she still had. Granted, she hid it in the depths of her jewelry box in her night stand's drawer, but she was aware of its exact placement.

"Otis, no...," she breathed, tears already threading to cover her eyes. "Say it ain't so, partner..."

Was that why he hadn't made a move at the party?

She dashed straight for the entrance of her apartment, wasting no time in exiting it just as quickly.

Her feet were slapping against the grimy, hard cement sidewalks, her heart pounding similar to a car with blaring music. Every inch of her lungs hurt as she inhaled the frigid, crisp air. She didn't even mind if she caught pneumonia, despite only being in a puffy, red knee length skirt, and a white t-shirt, with a rainbow connected to a fluffy cloud on either side for the image. She hadn't changed since the celebration the night before.

Finally she skidded to a stop, but the scene she witnessed broke her heart ever so slowly. It cracked, and then separated without a warning. It was as though numbness overtook her entire being, yet she couldn't dare herself to tear her gaze from the wedding in the distance from the hill she stood. The bride appeared to be beautiful with golden blonde hair twisted into the most elegant bun, and the groom... Her heart sank further when she saw the familiar, pushed up bangs and short haircut.

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