Staring Contest-Part 2 (Otis x Orchid)

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(Otis x Orchid)

Years had passed, and Orchid and Otis were no longer a part of the squad. Neither one minded too much though, because they had something new to look forward to together, finally being able to date. Orchid was no longer the little girl that Otis knew. She was beautiful with her dark hair parted in the middle, that was pulled back on either side, although not in braids anymore. For their date, she was wearing a simple, short-sleeved, purple dress that went to her knees. Otis looked about the same, his jaw was just a bit more defined, and his blonde hair looked darker than ever. He also still liked the style of wearing dark blue jeans, and a royal blue plaid shirt, which is what he picked out for their outing, so not everything had changed.  Orchid and him were currently riding on a bus together to get to their date destination, a navy blue blindfold over Orchid's eyes. 

"Usually I'm the one surprising you, Sherman," Orchid pointed out. 

Otis couldn't help but smile from that old nickname that had stuck around. 

"I wanted to change things up this time," he claimed. 

"Aren't people going to think you're kidnapping me," she sassily replied. 

"This is New York. I'm sure they've seen stranger things," he pointed out. 

Orchid couldn't argue with him, as she reluctantly nodded her head. Otis carefully led her off of their mode of transportation when they finally stopped. 

"Now, can I take this blindfold off," she impatiently inquired. 

"Yeah," Otis told her. 

As soon as Orchid could see again, she was facing a big museum. 

"You would bring me somewhere like here," she noted. 

"What's that supposed to mean," Otis questioned defensively at first, his eyebrows scrunched in puzzlement. 

"You brought me somewhere science-y, instead of where most people go on their first dates. Ever heard of the park, or the movies," she sassed, her hand on her hip. 

"If you don't want to go inside, then that's fine," Otis awkwardly spoke, but he was saying it on purpose. 

"Oh, so now you don't want me to go to the museum with you? I'm going," she exclaimed, Otis smiling knowingly behind her. 

Tell Orchid not to do something, and she would do the opposite. He had learned that when him and Olympia needed a gadget from her once back at Odd Squad. They both walked into the large building, Otis instantly locking his arms behind his back. 

"So, what now," Orchid wondered, looking over at him. 

He hadn't even realized that he had been lost in thought. 

"Oh. I came here to show you something," he recovered. 

"It better be good," Orchid warned. 

Otis merely smiled though, as she fought to keep up with his long strides, not wanting to be following him. Soon they arrived in the room that he wanted. 

"Dinosaurs," Orchid asked in surprise, as she took in her surroundings. 

"Don't tell me you don't like them anymore," reacted Otis. 

"You remembered," she smiled instead, the corners of her mouth continually twitching upwards. 

"How could I forget? They were your favorite toys when you were younger. You even had that closet for them, or whatever," Otis recalled. 

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