Nightmares (Otis x Olympia)

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(Otis x Olympia)

"No, no, no, no... No," shouted Otis, finally jerking awake. 

He had been tossing and turning during the night again, and his heart was beating extra fast. The nightmares were attacking him again, a distorted view of his past memories, and also his greatest fear, ducks. He sighed as he stared up at the darkened ceiling in his room, feeling too warm under the covers on his bed. It was even the middle of Winter, and when he went into his bathroom, his face was shiny with sweat. He splashed some cool water onto his face before sighing, leaning his hands on either side of his small sink. All he could do was stare down at the white porcelain, wishing that it was 7 in the morning already. That was the time that he always got ready to head off to work for Odd Squad. He sighed as he did what he always did, went downstairs to turn on the t.v., and if he was lucky, fall fast asleep. He jumped when his internal clock made him think it was time to get up. Sometimes he had to hit the snooze button on his alarm, but his clock was on the nightstand upstairs in his room. He yawned as he glanced at a simple, round clock with a black frame and numbers on the wall, his eyes widening when he realized he had nearly overslept. This wasn't anything new as he danced around into his official Odd Squad suit, skipping breakfast as he bolted for the door. When he arrived at headquarters, Olympia was already there with her usual, wide smile. 

"Good morning, Otis," she greeted with a cheerful wave. 

Otis simply gave her a single nod, before situating his arms behind his back. 

"Olympia! Otis! In my office! NOW," yelled Ms. O extra loudly from upstairs. 

His day was already beginning, where he would distract himself from the nightmares at night. Eventually they got worse though, and he ended up falling asleep in random places, not letting anyone know. On Monday he chose the Pillow Fort Room, on Tuesday it was just the regular, Pillow Room, on Wednesday it was the Donut Room, Thursday was the Green House Room, and then it was Friday. 

"Otis! Why are you always sneaking off for lunch," Olympia inquired, as he almost hurried away. 

He reluctantly turned around, his arms locked behind him. 

"I, uh... Like eating my food in the Bubble Room! You wouldn't like it, it makes your sandwiches all soggy," he claimed, wondering how he came up with the most unrealistic lie. 

"Uh... Are you kidding?! That could be fun," exclaimed Olympia, but beneath her smile was uncertainty. 

So, Otis and Olympia ate their food in the Bubble Room, which really was awful, and Otis felt more drained than ever. On Saturday, Olympia decided pop on over to his house. She wanted to surprise him with Shmumber's burgers, and also a movie she was dying for him to see. She also was celebrating the halfway point to their anniversary. Before she could tell him all of this though, he had opened the door, and her positive face fell. 

"Otis," she asked. 

He was standing there in black sweatpants, an Odd Squad, gray t-shirt, and a pair of white socks. What shocked her though was his messed up hair, the bangs on his forehead, and also the noticeable, purple bags underneath his eyes. 

"Olympia? What are you doing here," he awkwardly questioned. 

"You look awful," Olympia couldn't help but observe. 

"Hey, you were the one that didn't tell me you were coming over," he defended. 

"Otis, is everything okay," Olympia wondered, ignoring his recent words. 

Otis sighed as he opened his front door a bit wider. 

"No... Come on in...," he told her. 

She set the bag of food onto the kitchen counter nearby, before turning to him who had found the grey, shaggy carpet quite interesting. 

"What's wrong," she asked, genuinely concerned. 

He sighed before walking over to his plush, grey couch, sinking into it, before Olympia sat beside him. 

"I've been having nightmares," he spoke to one of the cushions. 

"What about," Olympia softly asked. 

Otis sighed before admitting, "That's not important." 

"Yes it is, Otis. I want to help you," Olympia stated, gently touching his hand. 

His cheeks heated up, since she had never done that before. 

"Just about things from my past... and ducks," he mumbled on the end. 

"Do you want to talk about it," Olympia asked. 

"Not really... but I am exhausted. I haven't slept well in ages," he confessed. 

His tired blue eyes had finally met with her concerned, brown ones, and even then they were beautiful. Wait, had Olympia just thought Otis's eyes were beautiful? She almost blushed from her own thoughts. 

"Maybe you would feel better after having a Shmumber burger. I got it just the way you like it," she beamed. 

"Maybe," Otis agreed, but only to make her feel better. 

He already knew that nothing could cure this, not food, not television, not the Internet, nothing. Only Odd Squad could truly distract him, and that was all it was, not a solution, but a distraction. After they ate their meal, Olympia even popping the movie in, Otis's eyes only felt more dry by staring at the t.v. screen. 

"Otis," Olympia spoke softly. 

He hesitantly turned towards her, as she weakly smiled. 

"I want you to know that I'll always be there for you, like you were always there for me. Even on the first day, when I didn't think you liked me very much, but it turns out I was wrong. And you were really good at cheering me up, and then we went on so many cases together, and then...," she continued to ramble, before she noticed his eyelids drooping. 

"Otis," she asked softly. 

"Yeah," he struggled to respond as a question. 

"Goodnight," was all she spoke, before he drifted off to dreamland. 

It wasn't long before he was having a bad dream again, and Olympia noticed that he was twitching horribly in his sleep. An idea hit her though as she used a gadget, and in the next instant she was in his subconscious. Otis was struggling to battle an army of angry ducks, and also villains that were ganging up on him. 

"Olympia," he asked, his eyebrows knit together in confusion. 

"Hey Otis, I told you I would always be there for you," she reminded him with a slight smile. 

His mouth was also curving upwards some as he reacted, "You came into my dream to help me?" 

"Hey, we solve cases together all the time. Why should this be any different? It's still solving a problem," she pointed out. 

Otis was still smiling gradually more and more, before she called out, "Shields up!" 

"Let's do this," Otis nodded seriously once. 

They were then yelling and battling all of the things that made up Otis's nightmares. When they were done, Otis was shaking from the impact of taking on all of his greatest fears at once, and actually conquering them. Olympia quickly wrapped him up in a close hug, which caused him to blush. Once he calmed down, she pulled away and looked directly into his eyes, complete understanding written across them. 

"You know, I don't mind having nightmares, if I'm with you," Otis confessed. 

Olympia felt a bright blush spreading across her cheeks, as she responded, "Aw..." 

As they gazed deeply into each other eyes, forgetting that they were still in his now, calm dream, Otis knew that he had finally conquered his nightmares. Olympia was the solution he needed all along.

A/N: Hey guys, I hope you enjoyed this Otis and Olympia one shot. (: Please remember to comment, vote, and follow. It all means so so much to me. <3

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