Catching Feelings (O'Donahue x Olympia)

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A/N: Just to let you know, I'm aware that some parts of this one shot might not make sense. I didn't notice it until after I wrote it. I liked how the shipping turned out so much though, that I wanted to share it anyway. I hope you still enjoy it. <3  There's also another author's note at the end, but I wanted to say this real quick before you read the story.  <3


(O'Donahue x Olympia)

Olympia had never been so excited or anxious in her entire life! She was practically bouncing on her heels, eventually moving back and forth, as though she were doing a form of aerobics.

"Eek...," she squealed, just as the boy she was waiting for emerged from the tube lobby doors.

The bright glow behind him gave off a white smoke effect to her, and she was doing her best to calm down.

"Hey, Olympia, right," wondered none other than O'Donahue.

"Yes," exclaimed the auburn girl, before composing herself. "I mean... Yeah, you're... I'm..."

"My partner admires your work," Otis interrupted to save her, his arms locked tightly behind his back.

"Sometimes I squeal... No biggie," Olympia breathed.

"Well, let's go. I hear Oprah has a real tricky case for us," O'Donahue spoke with a faint smile.

"He knows my name," she breathed as she passed her partner.

Otis merely shook his head with a light chuckle, not realizing that she was such a fan of the previous, Odd Squad agent.

"There you two are. Something very odd has happened. Evil Mime is back in town, and... she's teamed up with the other three evil mimes! I need you to act like mimes, and stop their new silence ray," Ms. O instructed.

"But Oprah, they already know my real identity. How are we going to pull it off," questioned O'Donahue.

"I already thought of that. Oona has a gadget you can use."

Oona suddenly popped up out of nowhere as if on cue. "Yes! And it's your choice, either the Face-Replace-Inator, or... My-Older-Cousin-Inator. Only problem with that is if you sneeze, you turn back to your regular self."

Ms. O growled slightly with her hands folded on top of her desk, annoyed by her long explanation, since the silence ray was due to go off in only a couple of hours.

"The Face-Replace-Inator should do the trick. Thanks, Oona," O'Donahue responded.

"No problem!" The girl scientist smiled positively as she handed him the device.

"Wait, why didn't you just have Otis and me go on the case," Olympia asked her boss.

"First off, O'Donahue already has all the training to be a mime, and second off Otis refused to. He mumbled something about them recognizing him..." Ms. O shook her head a little before getting back on track. "Anyway, it's up to you and O'Donahue to catch them. I'm counting on you, Olympia..."

"What? Pfft, like I can't go a long time without talking. I can do it right now. See? Wait, I'm talking again, aren't I? I'm just going to go get my mime makeup on, you know so I look like a mime. I wonder how they never talk, I can't imagine..." Her rambling continued, as she exited the room with O'Donahue.

"Wait up, Oprah, won't the mimes recognize her too? She was with us last time," O'Donahue suddenly stopped to point out.

"I don't think they'll recognize her with all the makeup on. Besides, I've already told Oona to change her hair color just in case," Ms. O shared.

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