Let Me Go-Part 2 (Oona x Otis x Olympia)

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(Oona x Otis x Olympia)

Oona ached inside not only from letting go a boy she really liked, but for how depressed he seemed himself. She watched painfully every day as Otis sat silently at his desk, not uttering a single word. She just couldn't understand how he got attached to quickly. It didn't make sense. She even rummaged through the gadgets she had dropped that day for the answer, with no such luck. A hat-inator, macaroni-inator, and toothbrushinator didn't exactly scream trouble. All Otis could think about though was the first time he met Oona, which he never let anyone know about.

He had just gotten finished with his line of work before joining Odd Squad, skidding to a stop when he almost ran into a small girl, crying on the sidewalk. "

Are you okay," he hesitantly asked. 

"No! I was riding my bike, and I fell off. I scraped my knee," replied the girl, as she continued to sob gently. 

"Ouch," Otis commented when he saw the wide scrape. 

It wasn't bleeding too bad, but it still looked just as painful. 

"Can you fix it," the girl asked, still not lifting her head yet. 

"I think so," Otis responded, pulling out a spare band-aid he happened to have in his pants's pocket. 

The girl with dark brown hair sniffled, as he crouched down and placed it over the cut. 

"There. You might want someone to clean it for you later," he informed her. 

"You saved me," commented the girl as she lifted her head. 

Her brown orbs were still swimming with tears, but they were gradually going away. 

"It was nothing," he shrugged nonchalantly. 

"No, it was. If it wasn't for you, I don't even know if I could have gotten home. I hate the sight of blood. Well, it's not so bad, but when it's my own...," she started to ramble. 

"I got it. Happy to help," Otis cut in. 

"Thanks again," she weakly smiled. 

He nodded, but then she reached up to softly kiss his cheek, causing his face to blaze. All he could do was nod once again, and then begin walking away, careful not to trip over his own feet. He vowed that he ever met that girl again, he would get to know her better. She had been his first crush, and he thought she was beautiful, her big brown eyes never leaving his mind.

Long story short, awhile later, after he joined Odd Squad, he had run into the girl again, and her name was Oona. He didn't let it on though, especially since she obviously didn't remember him. He was more obsessed with the thought of who she was, than who she actually was, and because he had wondered about her for so long, that's what caused the massive/intense crush. He just couldn't let her go, especially since he had done his best to push away his feelings this whole time. So, he did the only thing he could think of doing, and he walked up to her. 

"Oona, we need to talk," he curtly spoke with a nod. 

Oona smiled weakly, as she replied, "What about?" 

"The first time we met," he stated. 

"But that was simple. It was the day I became Oscar's lab assistant, and we traveled back in time," she noted. 

"But not far back enough in time," he claimed. 

"What are you talking about," Oona reluctantly asked slowly, her eyebrows scrunched a bit. 

"Remember when you scraped your knee on your bike," he questioned. 

"How did you...," she trailed off in surprise. 

"It was me. I was the one that helped you," he answered abruptly. 

"That was you? Oh wow... But this still doesn't change anything," she admitted. 

"What?! Why," he exclaimed in exasperation. 

"Because, Otis, yes, that was a special moment between us, but we were so much younger then. And besides, we were never meant to be together. Otherwise, it would have happened a long time ago," she explained, as she put a flask of green liquid away. 

Otis sighed and slumped his shoulders, as he realized that he had been living in a dream for too long. It didn't help either that she was one of the nicest people to him at the time. 

"I'm sorry, Oona. I just always wondered what we could be," he confessed. 

"Me too, but every moment we've had is just that. A spur of the moment thing, that's not meant to last. Sorry...," Oona awkwardly said.

 Otis nodded his head, as he responded, " I understand." 

"Hey, Otis," Oona called to him, after he turned and took a couple of steps. 

"Yeah," he asked as he turned back around. 

"I may not be the one for you, but I think you could have a good shot with Olympia," Oona softly smiled. 

"Thanks, Oona," he nodded once, before going back to his partner. 

"Hey, Otis," Olympia beamed up at him, since she was sitting at her desk. 

He nervously put his hands behind his back, as he gathered all of his courage to speak. 

"Hey, partner. You know, I've just realized that I was stupid for liking Oona for so long. I was just caught up in that special moment we shared, but I think I know someone that I could spend more special moments with," he confided. 

"Really? Who," Olympia questioned, completely oblivious. 

"You," he answered curtly. 

"Me," she asked, her mouth already opening in a wide smile. 

"Yeah. I may have had a crush on Oona, but let's face it, she was right. I think you would be a good choice for me," he informed her. 

"Well, I'll have to thank her sometime, because I've liked you ever since day one, Otis," Olympia shared. 

"Really," he questioned, raising his eyebrows in surprise. 

"Yes, really. Come on, Otis. You're really cute, and great at solving cases. I never could have asked for a better partner. That's why I was so upset when I thought you didn't like me at first...," she trailed off shyly. 

Otis half-smiled as he said, "I've liked you since day one too, Olympia. I was just blinded by a dream crush." 

"So, does this mean we're together now," Olympia wondered, already on the verge of squealing. 

"Absolutely," he struggled not to grin with a serious nod. 

Olympia's mouth spread across her face as she stood up, pausing when she realized how close she was to him. Her brown eyes flickered up and into his own blue ones, and that's when he truly saw his favorite color. She had asked what it was before, and he was gazing at it right now. The best part was, this shade of brown was meant especially for him, he could just tell. It was his turn to take the initiative as he cautiously cupped one side of her face in his hand, kissing her softly and tenderly. Oona was watching from afar, and all she could do was muster a half-smile. It was hard letting go of her crush, but she knew there would be others, and next time it would be meant to work out. 

"Dude, I like what you've done with the lab. I need a gadget to fix one of my creatures," Ocean spoke up. 

"On it," Oona reacted, dancing around scattered items on the floor to search for the right gadget. 

Maybe that person would come sooner than she thought.

A/N: As Oona would say, "Howdy do!" I hope you liked the ending to this part 2. (Goodness, I just read that back, and realized that it rhymed (X Please remember to comment, vote, and follow. Thank you so much again! (:

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