Sassy Or Not (Otto x Orchid)

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(Otto x Orchid)

Oksana had promised far more things than necessary, when Otto was running for the job of Captain Fun. It ended up being the opposite of fun though, when he actually got to share the job with Oren. To make things worse, he still had a thousand different chores/favors to do for Orchid. For some reason, Oksana had promised her the most things. 

"And after this, Sherman, you can do all my paperwork," Orchid ordered. 

"Was that even part of the deal," wondered Otto, since he was beginning to forget what was on the list. 

"Doesn't matter. I voted for you to be Captain Fun, so you owe me," she sassed. 

She was leaning her back against her chair, as her feet were crossed and on top of her desk. 

"I could get used to this," she commented, leaning her head back slightly. 

"Okay, I've doing things for you all day. Is that everything," Otto asked when evening was growing nearer. 

"You forgot one thing, Sherman. You owe me a puppy," Orchid reminded him. 

"Fine. I'll go into the Puppy Room, and bring you back...," he never got to finish. 

"No, I'm going with you this time," she interrupted. 

Otto sighed, hoping that with her around the task wouldn't take as long. 

"Fine," he caved, both of them walking to the Puppy Room. 

"Which one do you want," he questioned in a bored tone. 

Orchid's eyes lit up as she saw the multitudes of adorable, little furry creatures. Otto was confused though when her happiness seemed to disappear a bit, as she looked over at him. 

"Are you going to help me or not, Sherman," she demanded. 

Otto soon got to work, showing her every breed, cross-breed, and even mutt in the place. She wasn't satisfied with any of them though, until they showed up. 

"I want that one," she pointed to a small Yorkie, that was tugging on Otto's pant leg with its teeth. 

"Seriously," Otto complained. 

Orchid cleared her throat in a menacing manner, causing Otto to hold up his hands in surrender. 

"Now we need to name him," she noted, Otto annoyed that he was still stuck helping her. 

"I think you can do that on your own," he responded, going to leave, but she stopped him. 

"Sherman! The puppy's not officially mine until I name it, which means that you haven't completed everything on the list," she claimed. 

"Fine, why don't you name it, Sherman," he shrugged as he crossed his arms. 

"You can't tell me what to name him," Orchid reacted, Otto in disbelief over her attitude. 

"I don't have time for this," he exclaimed, fed up with dealing with her. 

"But I voted for you...," she started, him actually cutting her off that time. 

"I don't care. I've done everything on your list. I still don't even think some of it was on the list! You can name your new puppy on your own," he finished, but she kept him from leaving again. 

He then did the one thing that he knew annoyed her the most. He crouched down to be closer to her level, and started talking as though she was a lot younger. 

"Orchid, I know that you're younger...," he began, but she had stomped hard on his foot. 

"Ow! What was that for," he shouted, hopping up and down on one foot, as he held the hurt one. 

Orchid merely glared at him though, whipping her hair around as she left the room, her unnamed pet following close behind. Otto was sure the puppy even growled at him on the way out.

It was days later, and Otto had expertly avoided Orchid every time, until now. 

He was rounding a corner when he heard a familiar voice saying, "Geljo, I told you. You've had enough doggy treats for one day. Plus, you haven't even learned any new tricks yet." 

A tiny bark could be heard as the puppy communicated with her. 

"No, Geljo, barking is not a trick, unless I told you to speak, which I didn't," Orchid observed. 

As soon as Otto appeared, she paused from talking, her mouth hung open slightly, as her cheeks slowly turned pink. 

"Geljo, huh? That sounds a lot like my last name," Otto spoke. 

"What do you know? I could have just put two words together, like... Gel and Jo," Orchid lamely responded, her even in shock by her horrible comeback. 

"Orchid, why did you name your dog after me? You obviously can't stand me. Do you even get along with anyone," he wondered out loud. 

"Of course I do, Sherman," she exclaimed. 

"Name at least one then," he told her, crossing his arms. 

She opened her mouth, but no words came out, and her cheeks were becoming rosier by the minute. 

"Obfusco," she said. 

"You even fight with him though," Otto pointed out. 

"Yeah, well, you don't know what we fight about," she claimed. 

"What do you fight about," he questioned back.

Orchid sighed as she turned to leave, but this time Otto wouldn't let her go. 

"No, I'm not letting you walk away this time," he told her. 

"Fine! I like you, okay?! But all you can do is think of me as some little kid, and talk down to me! I do have feelings too, you know! And for your information, that's why I named my puppy after you, but it doesn't deserve your name, because he's the best dog in the worl-," she abruptly ceased speaking when Otto took her hand. 

"What are you doing, Sherman...," she hesitantly asked. 

"Orchid, the only reason why I never thought of you that way, was because you were always so rude to me. I just figured you didn't like me at all. You're younger, but you're also wise beyond your years. I've seen the problems you solve in the Math Room. I don't even know what half of those symbols mean! I'm honored that you named your dog after me, and I'm sorry if I've been rude to you at all, but you didn't make it easy," he spoke, her hanging on to his every word. 

She sighed, looking down for a moment, as she admitted, "I know, Sherman... I don't say this very often, but I'm sorry." 

Otto gazed into her sincere, light-colored eyes, smiling a little bit from her apology. 

"It's okay. Besides, being the way you are is what makes you... you," he expressed, her now smiling some. 

"Thanks, Otto," she replied, finally using his real name. 

"No problem, Orchid," he reacted, her definitely blushing by then, only it was from the special feelings he gave her, not just embarrassment. 

"What do you say we go somewhere to hang out for awhile," Otto suggested. 

"The Break Room," Orchid stated without hesitation. 

"I knew I liked you," he shared, loving the way she giggled from what he said. 

They might not have seemed like the typical couple, but Orchid was living out her dream of being with her secret crush, while Otto's eyes had been opened that he was dealing with a wonderful girl after all. Sassy, or not, she was the Orchid that he was glad to know.

A/N: I hope you enjoyed this new ship. I've never written for them before, but I've wanted to for awhile now. Please remember to comment, vote, and follow, if you enjoyed. Thank you! (:

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