Just Right (Ms. O x Otis)

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(Ms. O x Otis)

"Otis, in my office NOW!" Ms. O's booming voice could be heard by everyone in headquarters.

Otis jerked in the chair at his desk. "That's odd. Normally she calls for both of us."

"Go on, partner. I bet it's something important," Olympia spoke. Her extra wide grin indicated that she knew something he didn't.

Once Otis got up to his boss's office, she swiveled her chair around.

"There you are. Something very good has happened," Ms. O shared.

"Wait, what?" Otis was puzzled as his knit his eyebrows together.

Out of nowhere O'Q was walking up from behind Otis, assisting him with taking off his old jacket and putting a new one on.

"I thought this jacket was unsafe," Otis recalled about the latest design.

"Oh, it was, but O'Q made some great adjustments. He believes it's ready to be given to all the agents," Ms. O shared, walking over to where Otis stood.

"How does this involve me," he hesitantly asked.

"I'll be joining you on a case today to make sure the suit works properly. Word on the street is the Puppet Master is back in town, and she's gathered some new recruits," Ms. O explained.

"Isn't Olympia coming with us?" It felt odd to imagine working without his partner.

"Not this time, but don't worry, hopefully you'll be able to work together soon in your new suits," she emphasized.

Otis nodded seriously before they headed out to crack the case.

The air was crisp since it had recently turned Autumn, and the leaves' vibrant colors clung to the branches, before a few tumbled to the ground.

Otis couldn't help but look around, noticing all of the vivid decorations, since Halloween was approaching.

"Odd Squad," spoke a familiar, dark voice. It belonged to none other than Jamie Jam, and she was joined by Puppet Master, Evil Teddy, and Ms. Tornado. They seemed to be an unlikely group, but they had figured out how to catch Otis and Ms. O off guard.

The two agents were currently atop a roof that also doubled as a garden, so they basically didn't have anywhere to go.

"You'll never catch us, Odd Squad." Jamie Jam laughed evilly, as the Puppet Master finally spoke up.

"Halloween's coming a little early this year. Which Muppet would you like to be?"

"Muppet," echoed Otis, his eyebrows scrunched together in confusion.

"You know, the Muppets, Miss Piggy, Kermit the Frog, Fonzie..."

"We refuse to be puppets or Muppets, Puppet Master," exclaimed Ms. O, her serious face scary.

"It doesn't seem that you have much of a choice," Jamie Jam contributed.

From the corner of her mouth Ms. O asked Otis quietly, "Are you afraid of heights?"

He rapidly shook his head. "No."

"Good," she answered, and before he could even blink, she had pushed him over the edge of the building.

"Ahhhhhhhh...." Otis's loud voice could be heard from miles, as the cool air whipped past his ears. He squeezed his eyes shut when he caught a glimpse of the grey below. Was his boss trying to kill them?

Ms. O expertly tapped his top button on his suit jacket a few times, and before they could hit the cement, they were suspended in the middle of a purplish sphere.

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