The Missing Puzzle Piece (Otis x Olympia)

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(Otis x Olympia)

Olympia was the master of getting all of her paperwork done, and very quickly. She would even volunteer to help her fellow Odd Squad agents out. It was a great trait that she had, yet when she was all finished, sometimes she would grow bored with nothing to do. It was another one of those days as she leaned the side of her face against the palm of her hand, pushing her cheek up in the process. Her red glasses were also slightly askew, but all of that changed when Oona came bounding over.

"Olympia! Just the person I was looking for," she exclaimed.

"What's up, Oona?" Olympia smiled widely, as though she hadn't been miserable mere moments before.

"I found something you might like. I was cleaning out the Boardgames Room, and I found this!" She then proceeded to whip out a box that had a black square on the front of it.

"What is it," wondered Olympia, holding the item in her hands.

"It is the hardest puzzle in the world! All black pieces," Oona clarified.

Olympia slightly nodded her head, not sure what to think of this at first, but then she was smiling like an idiot. "Challenge accepted."

"Great! Well, I need to get back to my lab. I'll catch you later." Oona was then almost stumbling out of there as she ran.

Olympia wasted no time in opening up the container, clearing the keyboard off her desk so that she would have enough room.

"What do you have there, partner?" Otis had just returned from recycling his water bottle.

"Guess what?! Oona gave me the hardest puzzle in the world! And I'm going to solve it," Olympia promised a little smugly, crossing her arms across her chest for a moment.

"How can it be the hardest puzzle?" Otis wasn't catching on.

"This is how!" Soon he was shown the box full of black pieces. "All black pieces!"

"Olympia, I don't think anyone can figure this puzzle out. It looks impossible," Otis hated to admit.

"Well, I'm going to prove everyone wrong!" She was not backing down from this challenge.

Otis sighed, knowing that he wouldn't get anywhere with her. "Fine. Mind if I help you out? I finished all my paperwork too..."

He was so cute when he awkwardly asked her things... Olympia shook her head to stop gazing dreamily at her partner. "Sure! I'd love that!"

Otis smiled slightly before pulling his chair up to the side of her desk.

"We should probably find all the edge pieces first," she pointed out, digging around the box.

Otis nodded in agreement, and about an hour or so later they had finished the frame of the puzzle. "Well, that took longer than I expected. Who knew it took an hour to find the edge pieces to a puzzle," asked Otis.

"But we did it," Olympia smiled positively as she gave him a high five. "The night shift should be here soon. I guess we'll have to work on it again tomorrow," she added, before shrugging as she shut the box.

"Tomorrow," echoed Otis, unable to comprehend actually being able to figure out where the middle pieces went.

"Yeah, we'll never get anything done with the night shift around." She wasn't getting the hint of how her partner felt, as she stood up to leave.

Over the course of a week or two, Olympia diligently worked on the puzzle. Sometimes other members of the squad like Ocean, Oona, and even Owen would help. Otis was the biggest supporter though, and she deeply appreciated it, especially with how he usually avoided activities like this, where they didn't seem to have much of a point.

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