The Best Easter (Otis x Olympia)

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(Otis x Olympia)

Otis stood inside the lab as he waited for Oona to return. Normally he was nervous because she was constantly dropping gadgets, but today his anxiousness was for an entirely different reason.

"Here ya, go. One-"

He shushed her before she could announce what the item was out loud.

"Thanks, Oona," he nodded seriously, grasping the small object she handed him.

"No problem," she positively replied, going over to grab a gadget from the wall. Otis winced with his back turned after hearing things crash to the floor.

"Everything's cool," Oona sort of sing-singed slightly.

Otis nodded to her before venturing to his desk, cradling the piece he held in his hand for a little bit. As soon as Olympia showed up though he threw it into his bottom open drawer in his desk, slamming it shut.

"Hey, Otis," she greeted, plopping down onto her own swivel chair. "So... Do you know what tomorrow is?"

"How could I forget? It's the Odd Squad Easter egg hunt," he confirmed seriously. Besides, it was impossible to not know with the multiple flyers, and Olympia gushing over the holiday every second. She loved every special occasion, and Easter was no exception.

"I can't wait!" She nearly squealed as her auburn ponytail bobbed back and forth a little, her mouth wide open in excitement.

Otis just listened to her rambling for the remainder of the day, but all the while, his mind was stuck on the thing he had in his desk.

It was finally the annual Easter egg hunt at Odd Squad, and Otis was standing near the tube lobby doors, his arms behind his back. He drank in the scene of eggs hidden everywhere, some of them already visible, others nestled into secret locations. One thing he knew for sure was that they were only in the Bullpen, due to one of the agents getting lost and never being found when it was in the entire building. Otis recalled their name was Agent Opie, or something close to that.

It was obvious when Olympia showed up, because she squealed next to him, and even dragged him into the middle of the room where the other agents were gathering.

Otis reached into his pocket to double check his special item was safe, but his face fell when it was empty? He then proceeded to discover there was a hole in the bottom of his pocket, and he began to panic as his heart raced.

"No, no no no no," he quietly said under his breath.

"Otis, what's wrong," Olympia asked in slight concern.

"Nothing," he claimed. "Why don't you go catch up with Oona?"

"Okay," she shrugged, bounding up to the lone scientist.

Just then Otis saw Oscar walk by, and he ran up to him, whispering loudly, "Oscar! Have you seen a small, pink Easter egg?"

"Well, yeah, there are lots of them," Oscar exclaimed happily.

"No, I mean, this one's special. It's mine. I kind of had a promise ring I was going to give to Olympia in it, and now I can't find it," Otis admitted.

"Well, you better find it fast. The easter egg hunt could start at any minute," Oscar observed, concern written across his face.

Otis sighed. "I know, can you help me find it?"

"Sorry, I have to help out on supervising the Easter egg hunt, but I'm sure you'll find it. Someone's bound to find that egg."

"But what if they want to keep it?"

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