You Already Said It (Otis x Oona)

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(Otis x Oona)

Oona had been waiting to go to this all year. It was the annual turtle race, and she even had some of the best seats up above. She expected it to be highly entertaining, but what she didn't expect was who showed up there.

"Howdy do, Otis," she called to the agent as he walked to her row.

"Hey, Oona...," he reluctantly answered.

"You can sit next to me. It's a slow day." Oona hadn't even made to make that pun, which was an extra joke, since Otis and Olympia had just recently solved a case of the slo-mos.

Otis nodded seriously as he accepted her offer, gazing out at the race track in front of them.

"So... what brings you here," Oona asked positively.

"Oh, Ms. O told me there was some odd activity at the last turtle race. I'm here to make sure it doesn't happen again." Otis never seemed to quit being serious.

Oona nodded in understanding, just then a person walking out with a black and white checkered flag.

"Welcome, to the annual turtle race! Today we have the racers, Granny Smith! Harvey Hardshell! Sledge Hammer!" Every time the announcer said a new name of a turtle, the crowd erupted into applause.

Soon the show had commenced, and Oona was standing up, rooting for Opal Stone. Otis looked at her strangely at first, but then he couldn't help but smile at the scientist's enthusiasm.

It took about half a century, but finally the turtles were nearly to the finish line. Sledge Hammer was in the lead, while Opal Stone was in about third place. Just then though, a strange turtle that hopped upright with bunny feet and floppy, tall ears crossed the final destination first.

"Oh. That's unexpected! This happened last time, but rules are rules. The winner has to be, Herbert Harris," their host shouted.

"Whoa," commented Otis, his mouth formed into a small "o" in shock. He raced onto the field, Oona following close behind. "Hold up! That can't be a turtle. It looks more like a rabbit," he observed. He locked his arms behind his back, as the peculiar creature wiggled its nose at him.

"I won fair and square! They say slow and steady wins the race, well, they're wrong," claimed the mystery species.

"I don't believe you're a turtle at all," Otis said.

"Me either! In fact, you look a lot like...," Oona didn't finish her thoughts at first, as she zapped the animal with a gadget. "The villain bunny, Robert Rabbit!" The shell was now gone, and what stood there was a lilac colored hare, still on his hind legs.

"Odd Squad! How did you know?" Robert Rabbit's voice was much deeper now too.

"Trust me, I've been to enough turtle races to know when there's an imposter," Oona shared.

"Yeah, you're guilty as charged, and there's nothing you can say to change our minds," Otis added, pointing to the villain.

"Busted," spoke the rabbit, sagging his shoulders in disappointment before straightening up again. "But all I ever wanted was to win a race!"

"Then why don't you try the annual rabbit race," Otis suggested, whipping a pamphlet out from behind his back. "It starts next week."

Robert Rabbit's nose twitched as he studied the information in his hands. "I will. Thanks, Odd Squad!"

"Happy to help...," Otis began, but Oona cut in with, "Have a great day."

Otis could already feel the heat rising to his cheeks as he looked over at her, Oona getting the same reaction.

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