The Sillies (Otis x Olympia)

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(Otis x Olympia)

Olympia wasn't going to complain, she found it cute how Otis kept smiling at her off and on all day. Maybe he was finally realizing that he had a crush on her too! She started to find it kind of annoying though when for thirty minutes straight he was just staring at her, his smile getting wider every few minutes.

"Otis?" She wasn't sure if he was alright anymore. He hadn't even touched his assignments for the day. "Are you okay?"

"Of course. Why wouldn't I be," he wondered.

Olympia shot him one of her rare, weak smiles, turning back to her computer. Just then a loud laugh escaped his lips, causing her to whip her head back in his direction.

"You just laughed out loud," Olympia stated.

Otis knit his eyebrows together as he shook his head slightly in disagreement. "No, I didn't." Then he laughed louder than before.

"Otis, look into my eyes," Olympia ordered, a blush spreading across Otis's cheeks. Wait, were those circles on either side like a clown... Sure enough, when Olympia gazed deeply into his eyes she wasn't met with the charming, ocean blue, but yellow and green spirals.

"You have the sillies!" She didn't mean to be so loud about it, but she was in shock. The only other person she had ever known to have that odd virus was Dr. O, and she didn't even work there anymore.

"What are we gonna do," Otis wondered, looking really upset about this information.

"I don't know. Let me get doctor Oro." Olympia bounded up the stairs as fast as she could. Her eyes widened in further shock/worry, when Otis was spinning out of control in his chair. The disease had already begun to get worse.

"Doctor Oro," Olympia called.

"Doctor Oro can't come to the phone right now, but Ms. O put me in charge," answered a girl with blonde hair tied up into a low bun. She had her phone held up close to her ear just for dramatic effects, since she was obviously only talking to Olympia right there.

"Uh... Agent Olly, no offense, but why would Ms. O put you in charge?" Olympia scrunched her eyes slightly in puzzlement.

"Well, actually my home slice, Oona.... Get it? Home slice? Like a pizza? She said that I could be in charge. I went up to her, and I was like time flies, and that I missed being a doctor, and then I gave her one of the sandwiches out of my pocket, which sealed the deal. The other cafeteria workers got nothin' on me," she shared.

Olympia nodded her head slowly, saying uncertainly, "Right..."

"So, how can I help ya?" Olly's wide grin scared Olympia more than comforted her.

"Uh... You know what? I think I can handle this on my own," Olympia replied.

"Well, if you need me my door's always open." Olly went to walk into the doctor's office, but just ran into the sealed entrance. "Can you believe that they forgot to open it for me? That reminds me, I need some more mayonnaise for my famous sandwich. Be back in a few!" And with that Agent Olly was already gone.

Olympia shook her head, before realizing that Otis was gone. So much for getting help. If she didn't act fast, then even she wouldn't be able to save him.

"Otis," she called, but just then she slipped on a couple of banana peels near the hall of doors. She could detect her partner's laughter from a few feet away. She sighed in frustration, before getting up, discarding the empty fruit, and running to where she last heard him.

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