Happy Father's Day

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As I walked towards the hotel, the double glass doors slid open. I made my way across the lobby to the front desk with a rolling suitcase in one hand. The gentleman smiled as I approached him.

"Hello, ma'am, how can I help you tonight?" He asked with a friendly tone.

"Hi, I'm actually here to surprise my husband. Is there any way I could get a spare key to his room?" I asked and silently prayed he would do me this one small favor despite all the hotel policies there might be.

"Let me see what I can do. What room is he staying in?" He asked as he began to move the mouse and look at his computer screen.

"Suite 178."

He hummed as he typed, clicked, and moved around the mouse before he shook his head. I knew what that meant. He probably saw who the room belonged to and was probably under strict instructions about guest visitations. "I'm sorry, ma'am, unfortunately I can't allow that."

"Even if I'm his wife?" I plead.

"I'm sorry. It's stated here the specific restrictions for this room. If you are his wife, I'm sure you would understand why there's restrictions," he apologized. I could see it in his face. He was genuinely sorry. I knew he was doing his job and there's nothing I could do about it.

Being one of the most popular actors in the world comes with strict restrictions at hotel stays while filming for a movie. It helps prevents fans from bombarding the actor in every way possible. Chris once told me a fan pretended to be room service and snuck into his room. He was lucky he wasn't in the room when it happened as the hotel security reported the fan was trying to steal some of Chris' belongings.

There was no way I was going to call Chris to help me out. It would totally defeat the purpose of me being here. If I called his assistant, who set up the room for him, she would tell Chris. The girl didn't know how to keep a secret; even if she swore on her mother's grave. I looked at the time on my phone and noticed he would be done filming in about 10 minutes. I could wait it out and wait for him at his door.

"If you like, you can wait for him at his door," the front desk clerk said, almost reading my mind. "I'll be sure to let security know about it, so they won't escort you out."

I let out a small sigh of relief. This was good news and possibly the only way to pull off this surprise.

"That would be great," I smiled. "Thank you so much."

"Of course, Mrs. Evans. His suite is on the 13th floor. I'll call security right now and let them know," he said as he picked up the phone. I could hear him explaining to security about me as I walked towards the elevator doors.

I pulled out my phone as the elevator made its way to the 13th floor. My screen lit up and revealed my locked screensaver of me and Chris. It was one of my favorite pictures his brother took of us during a Patriots football game. We had matching Patriots baseball caps. I had three small stars painted underneath my right eye; one red, white, and blue. Chris stood behind me and had his arms wrapped around my neck. My hands rested on his forearm as we both smiled at the camera. We looked extremely happy. My mind couldn't help but wonder how he'll feel about tonight's surprise.

As the elevator doors opened, a goofy picture of Chris popped up on my screen, signaling a call from him. Perfect timing, I thought to myself as I answered the phone.

"Hey, babe," I smiled as I walked down the hall to look for his room.

He let out a long and tired sigh. "Hey, baby."

"Long day at work?" I asked.

"You have no idea. We spent the entire 15 hours on one scene."

My eyes widened. "What? Why?"

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