Season One Recap

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Last season, on The Flash...

Suddenly, I hear a crash and I don't feel anything near me. I open my eyes and uncross my arms, looking in front of me. In front of me, I see a thin layer of translucent reds, oranges, yellows, and hints of blue electricity. Almost like a field. My eyes widen in shock and I look at my hands, which have small embers cracklings on it's fingertips......

"What's happening to me?" Barry asks, his hands shaking very quickly......

"We weren't the only ones affected, were we?"

"We've been searching for other meta-humans, like yourself......

"Don't be afraid, Cisco," Thawne says, his vibrating hand very close to Cisco's chest.....

"You were affected, too.....

"Every time you come back from the dead, you have an urge to kill, or as I like to call it, a bloodlust."

"Find someone who you can think of to stop yourself from killing. Find someone you can trust. Someone who can keep you from, burning out.......

Barry then slowly closes the distance between us, attaching his lips to mine. I gasp and feel the tips of my fingers flickering embers of fire off of them. They grow larger and my eyes flutter shut as I start to kiss back. He grabs my waist pulling me closer to him and my hands start to feel like they're on fire. I feel my hands burning, the fire starting to slowly emit from them as I encased them around Barry's neck. When my hands touch his skin, he gasps against me. I suddenly feel the crackling of lightning emit from Barry's hands, bouncing on my body. I pull him closer to me, our bodies against one another, our powers going haywire. The lightning from his body strikes me, making me gasp as Barry slips his tongue into my mouth. I hold him tighter as we kiss slowly but passionately. My whole body feels afire, as I give in to Barry's arms.........

"If your recall, fire and electrical charge creates plasma. My theory is that when you two kissed, your powers... they combined, strengthening each other, creating plasma," Caitlin explains......

"Barry may be your anchor......

My eyes scan the place around me and I see flames falling on the ground. I twist my body slightly to look behind me. I see my fire molded in the shape of wings......

Ever since I had come back to Nanda Parbat, I had found it very difficult to teleport. It was almost as if I had lost my power and I wasn't quite sure what we could do to bring them back. Everyone was- trying- working on a way to bring them back though.......

"Once upon a time, you agreed to marry me," Ronnie asks Caitlin.

"Yes, I did."

"What do you say we do that?........

"Harrison Wells is the Reverse-Flash......

"You killed my mother! Why?"

"We're enemies, rivals, opposites, reverses of one another."

"Just tell the police what you did. Get my dad out of prison!.......

"You could go back and save your mother. A wormhole, opening the gateway into time itself.......

"I always win, Flash!"

"Eddie!" I yell, when I see that he has shot himself.

"Eddie's his ancestor. If Eddie dies, he'll never be born. He's being erased from existence..........

"The singularity won't stop, not even after the Earth is gone."

"We have to disrupt the motion."

"It cannot be stopped!"

"I have to try," Barry says before running towards it.

"I have to try," Barry says before running towards it

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