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17.5 password protected

"So aside from the fact that a Time Wraith came over here and nearly killed us, how did it go?" Cisco asks

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"So aside from the fact that a Time Wraith came over here and nearly killed us, how did it go?" Cisco asks.

"It was interesting," Barry answers.

"Good interesting or bad interesting? 'Cause that could go either way," Caitlin asks.

"So far so... good," Barry says looking at Hartley.

"The road from Earth to the stars is not easy," Hartley says in Latin.

"Amen," I say to that.

"How many times do we have to tell you, Hartley?" Caitlin says. "Ever since Evil Wells got erased from existence, no one speaks Latin around here anymore."

"Besides me," I say, with a hand up in the air. "We're Latin buddies."

Hartley chuckles at my words. "Yes, yes we are," He says. "Well, as always, it's been a pleasure working with you all on this little project. If you need anything in the future, call me. I'm off to a late dinner."

"Mm, dinner. Anyone special?" Caitlin asks.

"Very. My parents," He says as we all give him a smile. We turn back to Barry to see him a bit confused.

"So? You got me on pins and needles over here. What about the speed equation?" Cisco asks. "Did Wells tell you what you need to do?"

Barry holds up a flashdrive saying, "Well, let's see."


Barry plugs in into the tall computer in the Time Vault. "Hmm. Maybe it's password protected?" Cisco asks.

"Oh... are you kidding me? After everything I just went through... this doesn't even work!" Barry yells and punches the computer.

Suddenly, a bunch of information shows up and we look to see the equation.

"We got it."


I turn around when I hear a loud gust of wind (haha gust- gustin? Okay I'll stop).

"Hey," I say with a smile as Barry smiles back. "I just made dinner. It's your favorite-"

I'm cut off when Barry's lips kiss mine. Surprised, it takes a while but I kiss back, one hand falling onto the nape of his neck, the gripping his arm. He pulls away staring at me as I stare back, completely breathless. "Umm..." I sigh, trying to form a sentence.

"Lets skip dinner," He suggests as I nod absentmindedly. "I'd rather just have dessert."

He kisses me again, as I kiss back hard. He pulls me up against him as he kisses me harder, my hands going up to run through his hair. Not breaking the kiss, he picks me up as I wrap my legs around his waist. He slowly walks forward as he sets me down on the counter.


"So... you heading back to Keystone?" I ask my mom.

"Yeah," she nods. She pauses before sighing. "Look, Liv, I know you brought me here to be your mother but I can't do much other than be a part your life. And I am."

"Yeah, I know, and I get that," I say then chuckle. "You can't really stay here with Barry now anyways so..."

"Yeah," She chuckles. "Just- I'll always be a phone call away. And if you need, you can fly over anytime."

I nod with a smile. "Yeah, I'll do that."

"Oh, and you've got Harry," She says. "I know he's not your father, but you guys are family too, and I have a feeling he needs someone."

I nod. "I know. He's always welcome here," I say. "I just wish he'd stop acting like such a hardass."

She chuckles. "It'll take some time, but he'll come around," She says, and then gets up. "Well I gotta go."

I get up too and hug her. "Bye, mom," I say, pulling away.

"Bye, my nightingale," She says, kissing me on the forehead.


I pause Netflix on the T.V. when the front door opens. "Hey," I say to Barry, sitting up from my spot on the couch.

"Hey," He says, sitting down next to me. "Whatcha watchin'?"

"Scandal," I say, turning it off.

He chuckles as he wraps his arms around me, pulling my back against his chest. I chuckle and we move around so we're both laying down on the couch. I lay my head down on his chest with a sigh.

"So, how was your trip?" I ask. I adjust so I'm looking at Barry, my hair falling to the side as my elbow holds me up.

"It was weird," He sighs.

"Did anything change?" I ask him, softly.

He pauses before bringing his hand up to push a strand of hair behind my ear. My eyes stare into his as I smile softly at his action. "No," He answers.

I sigh, looking him. "I love you," I whisper to him.

He smiles, his hand still cupping my cheek. I lean closer, giving him a kiss. "I know," He says in between kisses.

His response makes me laugh against his lips as I pull away from him, looking into his eyes. He gives me a big smile as I lay back down onto the couch, onto his chest. I sigh, listening to the beat of his heart as his hand plays with my hair.

"I love you too," I hear him whisper as my eyes droop lower. I smile, as sleep takes over me.

 I smile, as sleep takes over me

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