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"I'm here to kill The Flash, and no one can stop me!" We hear Linda say

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"I'm here to kill The Flash, and no one can stop me!" We hear Linda say. "How's that?"

"Uh, it's a little too much. Uh, stop messing with the earpiece," Cisco says through the comms.

"Yeah, you don't want to dislodge it," Cait adds.

"Right, you... you told me that. I'm sorry," Linda apologizes.

"No, no, you're doing great, Linda," I say, trying to encourage her.

"All right, Doctor Light, here I am," Barry says. "But we're gonna skip the part where you say you're gonna kill me and go right to the part where I don't let you."

"I'm here to kill you, Flash," We hear. "Wait, what are you doing? We're skipping that?"

"Yes," Barry whispers to her as we arch them keep circling each other.

"Uh, I am loyal to Zoom, so get ready to fry," Linda says as I give Cisco a look. Get ready to fry?

"Next time we're doing this, I'm writing better dialogue," Cisco says.

"Next time?" Me, Cait, and Iris ask in unison.

We watch them both horribly continue on with their performance until Linda grabs his emblem and throws it into the portal.

We wait for Zoom for an hour yet he doesn't show up.

"He's probably just waiting to see if you're really dead. Any minute now, he's gonna strike," Cisco

"No," Barry says as we watch him get up through the monitor.

"Sorry, I probably screwed up somehow," Linda says.

"No, Linda, you did great," Iris says through the comms.

Through the computer I see Harry kicking stuff. "So Wells ain't taking this well," Joe says and then they turn the comms off.


"Oh, I'm so happy for you guys," I say into the phone.

"Thank you," Derek and Willa respond.

"We're hoping you can come by in a few months to see her when she's born," Derek asks.

"Oh I'll try," I tell them. "I really will. Till' then I'll just keep this picture of the sonogram. Oh, I can't believe I'm gonna be an aunt."

I hear them chuckle, as Derek says, "Ok well we gotta go."

"Ok go. Go have an amazing time setting up the crib for that beautiful baby," I say, smiling. We end our calls as I then look at the sonogram.

Barry walks up to me as I say, "Oh, hey. Look at this sonogram for Derek and Willa's baby. It's so cute a-"

Barry backs me up to the wall and then kisses me slowly. I pull him closer as I kiss him back. We then pull away as I smile at him. "What- What was that for?" I ask.

"Just for being there for me. You- you make me happy," He says with a smile and kisses me again.


I suddenly feel a pinch on the side of my shoulder as I feel a gust of wind go past me. I look around to see nothing there. Suddenly, my body has teleported itself into the Cortex, but I fall to the ground. Barry runs to me and asks, "Hey, are you okay? What's wrong?"

I breathe heavily as he helps me stand up. I try to teleport but I can't. A sharp pain shoots through my body I groan in pain. I then try to move an object but I'm unable to. I can't even form a force field. Watching my actions and my shocked face, Harry says, "Her powers are gone."

"They're not working," I say, and my body starts burning. "Ah! It feels like I'm burning. What's going on?"

"Uhh," Cisco says as we get me on a medical bed.

"Let's hook you up to an IV bag and then see what's wrong," Cait says as we do what she says.

Barry then gets a call he answers. "Hey... Iris, slow down. I can't understand you."

Harry's meta human watch starts beeping and so do the computers and I try to get up from the bed but Caitlin keeps me down. "Zoom has Linda," Barry says.

"He's on the roof," Cisco says and Barry speeds out. I try to get up but Cisco keeps me there.

"I need to go help," I say.

"Like hell you do," Harry says. "You can't fight him without your powers."

"I already feel the pain disappearing," I say, my voice breaking as I get up and sit on the edge of the bed. My body still feels as if it's burning from the inside out but I try to ignore it. I try to teleport but it doesn't work. "O- Okay, maybe not." I still get up and go over to the monitor to watch what's going on.

"Zoom cannot be human," Caitlin says as we look at the screen.

"He is... Or was," Harry responds.

"How the hell is Barry supposed to defeat that?" Cisco asks. I don't think he can.

"Why is he running away?" Harry asks as we watch him run. He keeps running around the building.

"He's not. He's not scared," I say.

"Ooh, he's gonna thunderbolt him!" Cisco cries out.


"Jay taught him how to throw lightning," Cait tells Harry.

Barry throws the lighting at Zoom, but he catches it and throws it back at him. What the hell?

 What the hell?

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