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18.3 monster

"What if we could stop Zoom through a vibe somehow?" Cisco asks

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"What if we could stop Zoom through a vibe somehow?" Cisco asks. We were all in the West house. Zoom had footer away and taken Wally. "We could weaponize the goggles..."

"Not enough time to weaponize, Ramon," Harry says.

"Okay, what if we modify the pulse rifle to emit a low-level EMF?" Caitlin asks.

"We don't have the equipment to modify the pulse rifles now," Harry says.

"Then we do another snatch and grab mission," Cisco says.

"By the time we scale those cliffs, Zoom could already..."

"I need a minute," Joe yells, cutting everyone off before he leaves.


While Barry leaves to go talk to Joe, I get a call. Seeing it is Felicity, I answer the call, entering the kitchen for some privacy.

"Hey, Felicity," I say.

"Hey, Liv?" She asks, her voice wavering,

"Hey, what- what's wrong?" I ask, leaning against the counter.

"Um, Liv? You might want to sit down for this," She says.

"Hey, What happened?" I ask.

"We were- We were fighting Darkh and- and um- Laurel..." She trails off, starting to sniffle. "Laurel got caught in the crossfire and she- Damien um- he- she's d-dead."

"What?" I say, tears threatening to spill.

"I just- I just- I thought you should know," She says. "I- I have to go... I'll see you at the funeral."

"Wait, Felicity-" I fall out but the line is dead. I look at my phone in shock, my breathing increasing. I let my hand fall, my phone slipping out and hitting the ground.

"Liv?" I head Barry call out as he looks into the kitchen. I turn over to him slightly as tears start falling from my face. "Liv..." He walks over to me pulling me into a hug. I bury my head into his chest, crying as he runs his hands through my hair, trying to calm me.

"Laurel..." I say in between sobs. "She- She's- She..."

"Hey, I know, I know," He whispers. "It's okay, It's gonna be fine."

I wrap my arms around Barry, fisting his shirt in my hands, my body aching to punch something. Instead, I let myself cry in his arms for the loss of another friend in my life.


"Barry, are you sure?" Cisco asks, looking at Barry, who is holding Hunter's hat.

"I'm sure," He says, referring to the fact that he agreed to give Zoom his speed.

"I mean, we don't even know if he'll be able to hear me," Cisco says.

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