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13.1 all sorts of trippy

"A reminder that a citywide curfew has been issued

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"A reminder that a citywide curfew has been issued. No unauthorized person is to be out after 9:00 p.m. A recent increase in Zoom attacks has led Mayor Snart to extend the curfew. The curfew was first issued after a series of terror attacks throughout the city..."

"It's worse," Harry says. "It's worse than when I left. Zoom has turned up his reign of terror."

"All right, then let's find Zoom fast," Barry says. "Cisco, do your thing."

"All right, Zoom..." Cisco says putting on his glasses. "You can run, but you can't hide." Cisco takes the glasses off. "All right, you know what? You guys are crowding my space a little bit. I can't perform like this under pressure, okay? If you could just step back just a little bit, I need to do my thing. All right. My mojo." We step back as he puts the glasses back on. "Thank you. Take two... All right, Zoom. You can run..."

"Ramon, what's happening?" Harry yells.

"You know, I don't know, okay? I can't see anything. I don't know what's wrong. Maybe I lost my powers," Cisco says.

"We didn't lose our powers. Why would you lose your powers?" Barry asks.

"Oh, here we go, the wavelength trigger's not responding, but that only happens if..." Cisco trails off.

"The frequency is imbalanced," Harry says. "Our Earth vibrates at a different frequency than yours."

"Harry, without that frequency..." I trail off.

"We're up a creek," Barry finishes.

"The latest attack was orchestrated by Zoom, and we understand that citizens of Central City are scared, but I can assure you the CCPD has been working diligently..." Earth-2 Barry says on the tv.

"That's me," Barry says.

Me and Cisco chuckle. "Yeah, it is."

"Under the leadership of Detective West. We will stop Zoom. That's a promise."

"The leadership of Detective West." So Joe's still a cop here," Cisco says.

"Yeah, but more importantly, I'm still a CSI. I have a plan," Barry says as he speeds out. Suddenly he's back with his Earth-2 doppelgänger.

"What just happened?" Earth-2 Barry asks.

"Oh-ho-ho-ho, doppelgänger," Cisco exclaims.

"Wait, wait, wait, wait, how did I get here? What... who are... who are you? How do you look like me?" He asks our Barry.

"Allen, what are you doing?" Harry asks Barry.

"Harrison Wells," Earth-2 Barry says. "The Harrison Wells. Oh, my God, am I in S.T.A.R. Labs? Okay, I have no idea what is going on here, but I've always wanted to meet you. Your thesis on- Olivia?"

I walk closer to him. "You know me?"

He raises a brow. "Did you just forget college?" He asks, seeming offended. I raise a brow. "Wow, I thought we had a better relationship than that."

"No, I- I do remember you, Barr. I just wasn't sure you remembered me," I said softly.

I then look back at my Barry and smirk. "This just got a hell of a lot more fun."


"What are you doing here? How are you here? You're d- You're dead," Earth-2 Barry asks me.

"Guess I'm not so dead anymore," I tell him then turn to my Barry. "Barry you might wanna look away for this."

"What- Why?" Barry asks, just as I pull Earth-2 Barry close to me by the collar of his shirt. I hear Barry quickly turn around behind me.

"Wha- Wha- What are you doing, Liv?" Earth-2 Barry asks. "We- We- We're not-"

I quickly unbuttoned the top couple of his shirt and put on hand on the side of his neck. I use my thumb to find his pulse point on his neck and use my other to find a point over his heart. I press down on both points and then let go as he suddenly falls down on the couch.

"You can turn back now, babe," I say as Barry turns to face me.

"What did you do? What's wrong with you? Have you turned into an evil you?" Cisco asks me.

"Relax. I just put him in the same trance I used on Barry when he got poisoned. Remember?" I ask. "This way, he only wakes up when we want him to."

"Oh, well, why'd you even bring him over here?" He then asks Barry.

"So he could become him," Harry says.

"While you guys work on the goggles, and you find your mom, I will go to CCPD as him and see if I can figure out what information they have on Zoom's previous sightings," Barry says.

"We can use those sightings to triangulate Zoom's hideout," Harry says.

"Good. That's a good plan," Cisco agrees. "Just remember what Jay said, okay? Things here are all sorts of trippy."

"Look, it'll be fine," Barry says taking the glasses off of Earth-2 Barry and putting them on. "I can handle it. It'll be easy."

Barry looks at me and then walks closer. "You'll be fine?" He asks, wrapping his arms around me.

"I will," I respond, putting my hands on his chest. "It's time I meet her."

Barry nods and gives me a kiss. We kiss slowly and for a while before I pull away.

"Good luck."


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