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4.1 the bratva

I am sitting in a room, on a chair my hand, handcuffed to the table I have my hands on

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I am sitting in a room, on a chair my hand, handcuffed to the table I have my hands on. Suddenly the door opens as I look up to see Barry walking in. He rushes over to me and gives me a small peck and sits down in front of me. "Hey," He says.

"Hey," I respond. "Did you find out what happened?"

"Joe told me it was better if I asked you," He says. "Whatever that means."

"They think I killed Lewis Snart," I say. "Apparently, there's evidence of me carrying the cold gun out of the building but I never went in, only Tanya did." I've killed lots of people, but Lewis Snart ain't one of them.

"Okay," Barry says slowly. "So you're being framed. But by who? Who would have something against you... or- or Tanya?" Anatoly Knyazev seems like the only possibility.

"Okay, Barry when you get home or to S.T.A.R. Labs, I need you to call Willa," I tell him.

"What? Steve's sister?" He asks.

"Yeah. Cisco and Caitlin both have her number so it shouldn't be hard to do. She can get me out of here," I tell him.

"What- I- I'm helping her you do know that, right?" He asks.

"No!" I immediately say. "I mean, you can't. These are some very bad people who you can't get involved with. Plus you need to focus on Professor Stein. Speaking of which how is he?"

Barry gives me a look, as if he knows I'm trying to change the subject, but still answers. "He needs another host body for Firestorm. He can't handle the powers of it alone, so we're trying to find him another compatible partner with same powers as Ronnie. We have two people to test."

"That's good," I simply say. Suddenly Barry's phone buzzes.

"Hey, I gotta go. It's Cisco. It's about Professor Stein," He explains and I nod.

"I- I'll see you soon. Out of here," I tell him as he nods.

"You better," He says. He leans forward and kisses me slowly. My hands pull up, trying to hold his face but are pulled back down from the handcuffs. When we pull away, I notice his eyes unintentionally flickering lightning and in the reflection of his, I see my own eyes with a flickering flame. I blink a couple of times, trying to get rid of them. He smiles at my actions, winking at me before walking out of the room.



"Well, I must admit, I never imagined the Sphinx's riddle about a man requiring three legs would ever apply to me, but if this device keeps me mobile, then I will gratefully oblige," Professor says.

"Hopefully, you won't need it for much longer. There was no agglutination in the blood samples, and cross-matching was negative for both, and it appears that the dark matter from the Particle Accelerator explosion mutated their genes in a very similar way it did to yours. I think they're both potential matches," Cait explains.

"So who do we go with?" I ask.

"Well, my first choice is Henry Hewitt. He graduated summa cum laude from Hudson University with a double major in Applied Physics and Bioengineering," Cait reads.

"A Hudson boy, I like him already," Professor comments.

"Now, what about this other guy Jefferson Jackson?" I ask and start reading. "High school quarterback, 4.0 student. He's got the physical attributes. And it looks like more of his alleles match than Hewitt's. Doesn't that mean that he's more compatible?"

"On paper, perhaps, but Hewitt is a scientist. Clearly, he's trying to make something of his life," Cait says. "I think he'd be open to something like this."

"I think we should meet with both of them before we make a decision," I say.

"That's an excellent idea," Professor says.

"I'll see if I can get Hewitt here," Cait states.

"All right, in the meantime, we'll go meet with Jefferson Jackson," I say.

"And I will try to find something else to help keep you stable," Cisco says as we all head out.

I take the phone number I got from Cisco and I call Willa. "Hello?" She answers.

"Hey, Willa. It's Barry. We met through Liv a few times?" I ask.

"Oh yeah!" She says. "So what's up?"

"Liv's in trouble."


O L I V I A  P O V

I am sitting out in the visiting room behind a glass. Suddenly, Willa- a very pregnant Willa- comes and sits in front of me and picks up the phone and puts it to her ear. "Hey," She says, with a smile. "I figured out who framed you."

"You're pregnant," I immediately say. "You can not get involved with the Bratva when you're pregnant."

"It's fine," She says. "I'm not doing this as an enemy, I figured it out as a lawyer."

"Ok," I say slowly, a bit hesitant to let her get away from this. "Is it them?"

"Well it is related to the Bratva," Will says slowly. I wait for her to continue, knowing it's something bad. "But, it's not Anatoly. It's some other Bratva member that went behind his back. Anatoly is willing to help us."

"What's the catch?" I ask.

"I- there isn't any," Willa tells me, as I furrow my brows. There's gotta be something. "Anyways, your gonna have a trial tonight. Anatoly has requested it to be a private trial and the judge has agreed. We'll get you out of this."

I nod. "So you're pregnant," I say, a smile growing on my face.

Her face lights up as she looks down before saying, "Yeah. I found out a few days before the wedding. I would've told you at the wedding but... I wasn't sure."

"It's okay. Do you know if it's a boy or a girl?" I ask.

"A girl," She answers. "Yeah, I'm 7 months in."

"That- that's amazing," I say.

Suddenly a guard comes up to me and says, "Times up."

"Okay, I'll see you at the trial. When we get you out," Willa says.

I nod and say, "I'm holding you to that."


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