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5.5 a cool name

"Doctor Light is safely locked in the pipeline," Caitlin says

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"Doctor Light is safely locked in the pipeline," Caitlin says.

"Nicely done," Cisco tells her.

"Wells, thank you for helping Barry put away Doctor Light," Iris tells him.

"So what now?"

"We do what Dr. Wells said," Barry says as I nod.

"We use her to lure Zoom here, end this once and for all," I explain.

"You can't be serious," Jay says.

"More breachers are gonna come. More innocent people may die. I can't let this happen anymore," Barry says.

"You're making a mistake," Jay says.

"Why are you so hell bent on us never facing Zoom?" I ask Jay. "We're gonna have to fight him anyways, it's better to do it before he becomes stronger."

"Zoom is a nightmare you can't wake up from," Jay says, but I can tell he seems uncomfortable. He's hiding something.

"I've already had my worst nightmare. His name was Reverse Flash, and I spent a long time being afraid of him. I'm not gonna be afraid anymore," Barry says.

"Okay, Barry. You may be faster than me, but you're not ready to fight Zoom by yourself," Jay tells him as I roll my eyes.

"That's just it, Jay. I'm not gonna fight him by myself. I've got all of them to help me. I've got Liv. I've got Dr. Wells. I've got you," Barry says.

"No, I can't in good conscience help you when I know it'll only lead to you losing your speed, or even worse, your death," Jay says. Seems like Barry's death isn't the reason you're so worried.

"Optimism must be an Earth-1 thing," Cisco says.

"You all need to ask yourself why this man, for years, wouldn't admit that he was responsible for the Particle Accelerator exploding underground," Jay says. "He may not be Harrison Wells from your Earth, but he has just as many secrets as the one you knew."

"Jay, please don't go," Caitlin tells him.

"I'm so sorry, Caitlin. Have a nice day," Jay says leaving.

Cisco sighs and then says, "Liv?"

I turn to him in question. His face slowly lights up as he says, "I've got a surprise for you...."

He clicks a button and the light above mine and Barry's suits turns on to show a different suit. Although it was the same in many ways, it seemed to have a different style.

"Oh my god that's beautiful," I say with a chuckle.

"It's much easier to move around in and has got much better fire resistance for when you're using your powers," Cisco explains.

"Thank you Cisco," I say as he nods with a smile.


"Hey," Barry says wrapping an arm around my shoulders pulling me closer to him. We were sitting in Jitters with Caitlin while Cisco was gone to get a drink. Barry places a kiss on my head as he asks, "You Okay? What're you thinking about?"

"I'm fine," I say, a small smile forming on my lips from his sweet gesture. "I just- I read something, from the journal. It's been itching at me for a while."

He raises a brow in question. "I'll tell you about it once I find more out about it myself. I think I know how."

"Okay," He tells me. "I'll be here. I'll always be here."

We both then turn to Caitlin. We watch as she stares at her coffee cup, lost in thought and I ask, "Are you okay?"

She snaps out of her thoughts and says, "Yeah, I just... I was getting used to Jay being part of the team."

"Well, look, Jay is a hero. They always seem to show up just when you need 'em," Barry says.

"Yo, peep that," Cisco says as he sets down the cups. We look at the phone number on a sheet of paper as Barry exclaims in surprise.

"That's how it's done, young Padawan," Cisco says.

"Nice," I say with a smile.

"Going on a date next week. Things are looking up for Cisco Ramon," Cisco says.

"I guess so."

"Still stuck with these powers, though. Just don't know how to feel about 'em," Cisco says.

"Hey, look, you don't gotta go through it alone," Barry says.

"And now you need a cool name," Cait says.

"Oh, snap! You're totally right," Cisco sighs. "I gotta think about this one. Well, you know me. It's gotta be perfect. Something that really sings, you know? Something like... "

"Vibe?" Cait asks.

"Vibe," Me and Barry repeat.


Cisco and I share a look as I sigh and nod. "Guys, I have to tell you something."

Caitlin and Barry turn their attention to me. "What is it?" Barry asks.

I look at Cisco before saying, "Before the singularity, when I talked to Thawne, he told me something. About the future."

Barry furrows his brows as I continue. "He told me that I- that I don't make it to the future. That I'm killed," I say. I feel Barry's hand drop the piece of my hair he was playing with and he pulls me closer to him as he holds onto me tight.

"We- we don't know how," Cisco says, noticing my struggle to speak. "She's not supposed to be able to be killed."

"We'll figure it out," Barry says, as if he's talking to himself more than me. "You'll be fine. We'll be fine. I'll be damned if I let anything happen to you."


Go check out my first edit of Barry, Liv and Oliver on my feed! It's my first edit so don't be too harsh, lol. Hope you guys enjoy!

 Hope you guys enjoy!

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