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12.1 tar pit

"Hey," I say as Barry walks into my house

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"Hey," I say as Barry walks into my house. I am sitting in the couch, going over some paperwork for the house I grew up in.

"Hey," He says, coming over to me. He leans down and gives me a kiss, and then sits down next to me. "Where's Roy? And what are you doing?"

"Roy wanted to go explore the city... by himself," I say rolling my eyes. "And I am just signing some papers to legally hand over the house to this guy Oliver found."

"You don't trust the guy?" Barry asks.

"I do. Oliver trusts him, and I trust Oliver. I guess I'm just having a hard time giving it away," I say.

"Why are you selling it anyway?" He asks, leaning back on the couch. I turn a bit to look at him.

"When we moved to Central City, I promised Dad I would go back. And I did. I went back and lived in the house. But then I came back to Central City and my trip took a turn for the unexpected. This trip in Central City... it became... permanent," I explain.

"You never wanted to stay here?"

"Barry, I was always gonna go back, but I couldn't. With my powers and everything going on," I say. "I couldn't just leave. Star City has multiple people looking out for it. Central City had you, and you, you were still- learning."

"Were you gonna leave after?" He asks and I look down, "Were you, gonna leave after I got the hang of it?"

"I was," I say quietly. I look back at him to see his eyes full of sadness, looking down. "But then, I fell in love." His eyes snap back to me. "I- I didn't know it at the time. All I knew was that I wanted to stay. Now I know why." I lean forward and move his face to look at me. "You were why, Barry. I love you. I'm not going anywhere, because I love you. I'm selling the house for you, Barr. I will not leave you." I won't abandon the people I love. I will not become him.

"Now, I don't know what plans life has for me, but I'm not leaving. I will not leave you, willingly. Ever," I tell him. "Barry..."

I watch him close his eyes and then slowly open them again. I swore I saw yellow lightning in his eyes. "I love you. And I won't leave you either," He finally says as I give him a small smile. He returns it and leans his forehead against mine.

"I love you," We whisper together.


"Hey, I ran your crime scene samples six ways from Sunday," Cisco starts.

"What's wrong with you?" I ask Barry looking at him.

"I was... Uh, nothing," He answers. "What's up?"

"Two things, very strange. One, definitely meta-human cells in the oil," Cisco says.

"And two, he didn't die from his burns. It was suffocation," Caitlin adds.

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