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8.1.3 immortality

3 immortality

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"Okay. Thanks," Oliver says into the phone and then hangs up, as he turns to us. "All right, Lance is gonna call if he gets any information on... whoever that is."

"I know where we can get some info," Cisco says and then turns to Kendra. "Kendra, I have powers. I get these vibes from people. They're visions of meta-humans, and I had one of you."

"So, A, you're saying you're a meta-human, and, B, she's a meta-human?" Felicity asks.

"I don't know," Cisco answers truthfully. "In these visions, you could fly. It was like you were a bird of some sort."

"A bird?"


"What else did you see?" Kendra asks.

"That's it... just you with wings," He adds.

"Oh, I did not see that one coming," Felicity comments. Suddenly the lights go out and I feel Barry speed over in front of me. I give him a look as I move away. I do not need protecting... but I appreciate the sentiment.

I take out the gun from my thigh strap and point it at the source as the lights come back on to reveal... Malcolm Merlyn.

"Oh, I think there's a lot you didn't see coming," He says as I roll my eyes, keeping my eyes on him.

"Great. More surprises," Cisco says. "Who the hell is this?"

"It's my dad," Thea says.

I then lower my gun as I add, "Malcolm Merlyn."


"The man you're looking for is Vandal Savage," Malcolm Merlyn says.

"Vandal Savage? Never heard of him," Diggle says.

"Well, who is he?" Barry asks.

"Some say he was the most trusted adviser to Genghis Khan," Merlyn explains. "Others say he guided Julius Caesar through the Gallic Wars. But one thing the League knows for sure... He was there for all of it."

"So what are you saying? He's like a vampire or something?" Cisco asks.

"Not a vampire, an Immortal," Merlyn reveals.

"Okay, we've officially stepped into crazy town," Kendra says. "Immortality?"

"Wait. No, no, no, this makes sense," Thea says. "This explains why he looks the same as he did in 1975."

"This can't be possible."

"There's nothing you can do to save her now," Merlyn says.

"Kendra, do not listen to him," Barry tells her.

"I... I just need some air," She says as she walks out, Cisco following.

"Hey, we're gonna do whatever we have to to keep Kendra safe, whether you think we can or not," I tell Merlyn as I notice Thea leave the room. Probably gone to meet Laurel.

"Ah, Olivia. You seem better. I don't see any burn marks- but what do I know? They could still be somewhere under there," Malcolm starts as soon as she leaves.

"Malcolm," Oliver warns but Malcom- being Malcolm- doesn't stop.

He takes a step closer and says, "You know, your little lover, we just threw him away. There wasn't much left of him anyways. I know the previous R'as left the other Parker alone. That idiot. And now, isn't she having a mini-Willa. I can't wait to meet-"

I immediately pin Malcolm to the wall. The League moves forward as Malcolm stops them with a hand. "Torture me. Threaten me. Kill me for all I care, but don't go near that little girl," I say, and shove him against the wall. "You go near anyone else I love and I will rip your throat out. I don't care if you're R'as Al Ghul or Thea's father."

Out of the corner of my eye, I see Barry's eyes widen and see him start towards me only to be stopped by an unsurprised Oliver. He whispers something to Barry, making Barry give him a look before settling down. He knew this was gonna happen.

"You don't seem to be in a position to be making threats," Malcolm replies. "Considering I have something you want." He suddenly holds up a vial of blue liquid in front of my face as I slowly let go of him. "We... are long due for a chat."


"Malcolm, just give her the vial, rather than wasting our time," Oliver says. He's here with me talking to Malcolm, to make sure I don't do anything stupid. Barry is secretly listening from a distance. Even though we all know he is listening. It's hard to be secretive when you're spying on three people who were trained by some of the best assassins in the world.

"Why should I when I can get something out of it?" He asks.

I roll my eyes and shift in my chair. "What do you want?" I ask.

"I want you to kill Nathan Kuznetsov," Malcolm says as my eyes widen. Oliver scoffs, his hands on his hips as he watches me carefully.

"No," I say immediately. "No. Never in a million years would I kill the one person that kept me sane all those years."

"Are you crazy?" Oliver asks Malcolm.

"I'd rather kill you," I mumble.

"Too bad the league would be after you if you did," Malcolm says. "And then it would make you the new R'as. I don't think you want that."

"She's not killing Nathan."

"She would've a few years ago," Malcolm retorts.

"Well, I'm not the same person I was a few years ago," I tell him as I glance at Barry. "I won't just kill anyone for you. Especially not him."

"Well then you can say goodbye to this," Malcolm says as he tucks the vial away.

"Whatever," I say standing up, immediately being stopped by Oliver's large figure. I turn around to face Malcolm. "I'll figure out a different way to get some."


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