That's a Wrap!

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Hello!! We are now officially completed with Season 2 of the Flash!! I hope you all enjoyed this as much as I enjoyed writing it! Times are difficult right now and I hope this helped bring somewhat of a smile to your faces. Season 3 will be posted once I finish writing the first couple episodes. It may take a while cause I'm gonna try to work on my Criminal Minds fic but hopefully it won't be too long. The book for Season 3 will be called Inferno: The Flash(3).

 The book for Season 3 will be called Inferno: The Flash(3)

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Now, I know that many people aren't a big fan of season 3 of the flash and I have to admit I wasn't either in certain cases.

Because I didn't love season 3, I decided that the way I write it will be somewhat different. While the main storyline from the show will still be there, I'll try to execute it in a way that I think is better for the book. I will be taking a lot more creative liberty in creating a story that'll help Liv's storyline yet still keep the same season 3 story arc for the rest of the characters. Along with that, I plan on taking a much deeper dive on Liv's powers. A lot from her powers and her past will be discovered in the next season.

To help me and the rest of the crew discover her powers, season 3 will also introduce Matt Ryan into the show. Matt Ryan plays Constantine if you were unaware. I love his character so, I'm very excited to write him.

Season 3 will be long. It'll be a really important season for Barry and Olivia. They'll learn new things and they'll be dealing with a lot more responsibilities. I hope that the way I approach it, will make this season much more interesting than it was in the show.

Last but not least... in the first season, Liv and Cisco expressed their love for Marvel films. When sticking to the timeline... Captain America: Civil War would have come out during season two and I had said I would write a chapter for it. It didn't really fit in the book but if anyone would like to read it, I would be happy to release them talking about the movie in a bonus chapter. The bonus chapter would be longer and it would be sort of an OTF bonding one. If you would be interested in something like that... please let me know.


Harry messing with all Cisco's stuff when he first came in-

Harry messing with all Cisco's stuff when he first came in-

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Barry's 4 brain cells when they agree on a bad decision-

Barry's 4 brain cells when they agree on a bad decision-

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The night of Barry's mother's murder-

The night of Barry's mother's murder-

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