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13.3 killer frost

"I'm- I'm so sorry," My mother says

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"I'm- I'm so sorry," My mother says. "That- That I wasn't with you. That I-"

"It wasn't your fault," I say. "You had no idea wether I was even alive or not."

"Still," She says, as we are pulled to look at Joe and his singing. Suddenly, something starts ringing. She pulls open her watch and says, "The meta-human warning app."

Suddenly the front door bursts open and Caitlin and Ronnie step through it. They looked different and evil. "Don't stop singing, old man. That's our song," Caitlin's doppelgänger says. "So which two of you lounge lizards is in the wrong universe? Hmm? Show of hands. Don't be shy."

Me and Barry share a look as I turn to mom. "You're in the wrong universe too," I whisper. "Please, get out of here."

"Hey, handsome," Caitlin says to Barry grabbing my attention. "You got something you want to tell me?"

"No," Barry says.

"No?" Caitlin smiles and then her eyes move to me and they narrow. "Baby, look."

Ronnie looks at me and his eyes narrow too. He walks over to me and puts his arms on both of my sides, trapping me. "Since when can you come back from the dead?" He asks, knowing I'm not the same person they used to know.

"Since always," I whisper. Ronnie's jaw clenches as one of his hands come up to light a flame. He puts it very close to my face but I don't dare look at it. I stare him in the eyes with a smirk, not backing down. Just before it's about to burn me, he pulls away.

"Baby, no one's talking to me," Caitlin says, ending our conversation.

"What if I make 'em scream?" Ronnie asks, walking over to her.

"CCPD!" Iris suddenly yells, pointing her gun at the metas. "Everyone get out of here. All right, go, go. You are both under arrest."

Barry gets up as do me and my mom. I tell her to go to S.T.A.R. Labs and she nods leaving as I move forward, closer to Barry.

"Ladies first," Caitlin says walking towards Iris.

"Caitlin," I say stopping her.

"I haven't heard that name in a long time," Caitlin says.

"But that is your name, isn't it?" Barry asks. "Your real name?"

"Please, look... I know you. Don't do this," I say.

"If you knew me at all, you would know that I hate the name Caitlin. I'm Killer Frost," She says as she uses her powers at Iris.

Barry pulls up a table to protect Iris and then yells, "Go, all right. Go, go!"

"Iris, look out!" Joe says and is hit by Ronnie's flames.

As Iris runs to Joe, Ronnie winks at me and then I suddenly see a flame heading my way. I use my force field to stop it and then I break the force field as the flame scatters and falls like embers around us.

Then Barry suddenly runs us all out. "Well, hello, breachers," Killer Frost says.

"He's a speedster, babe. And she's- she's like her," Ronnie warns.

"Oh, I'm shivering. I've been dying to kill The Flash and I was always disappointed I never had a chance to kill her," Caitlin says.

"We don't want to hurt you," Barry yells.

"Trust me, you won't," Killer Frost responds and heads for Barry.

Ronnie himself approaches me, throwing balls of Fire at me. I teleport away from each of them just before they hit me.

"Kill him," Caitlin says to Ronnie as she heads to me and Ronnie to Barry.

She throws a icicle at me but I use my pyrokinesis to melt it in the air. She raises a brow and throws to more. I melt another and duck as the third passes me. I then push a flame towards Caitlin but she deflects it and starts hitting me with multiple icicles.

I melt all of them and use my force field to catch three inside it. I then make the force field smaller and throw it as it explodes in the air, smaller pieces of icicles falling everywhere. Soon, Barry runs away, Ronnie following as Caitlin says, "God, this is making me so hot."

Barry suddenly deflects Ronnie's flame onto Killer Frost and she falls to the ground. Ronnie goes for her as Barry comes over to me. "This ain't over, breacher!" Ronnie says as they fly away.

Me and Barry look at each other and he pulls me in for a hug. His arms wrap around my waist as mine wrap around his neck pulling him close to me. I breathe him in and close my eyes, calming myself. We then pull away and we hear Iris yell, "Barry!"

Barry looks at me and I sigh. "Go," I tell Barry as he runs inside and I teleport back to S.T.A.R. Labs.


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