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21.3 the runaway dinasour

3 the runaway dinasour

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O L I V I A  P O V

"How are we gonna get him out?" Henry asks as we all fall into a conversation.

"Wait," Cisco says, stopping us, "I saw Barry. He had this look. What if we couldn't get him out of the speed force cause he didn't want to come back?"

"Turn it on. We got to try again," I say, as Cisco heads to the machine.

They look at us as Cisco puts on the machine, asking, "Any of you got a better idea?"

"When you look into the Speed Force, can someone else see into it too?" Henry asks.

"Well, as long as you're in physical contact with Ramon while he's vibing, then... yes," Harry says.

"Let me do that. I can get Barry to come back," Henry says.

"No," I stop. "Let me do it. Please."

He nods at me with a smile as I head over to Cisco. "You sure?" Harry asks me as I turn back to him with a nod.

"If it means getting him back... I'll never be more sure," I say as I turn back to Cisco, my hand now in his.

Cisco touches the suit as I gasp when we head into the speed force, Lightning all around us. "Barry," I cry out. "Barry, come home to me."

I reach out my hand, and watch as Barry reaches out his too. We slowly grasp each other's hand as Cisco pulls us out of the speed force.

We stop, Barry standing in front of us in his suit. "Barry!" Iris exclaims, hugging him, and I watch him reunite with everyone.

"Ha ha!" Henry chuckles as him and Joe hug each other.

"I'm so glad you're back," Cisco says with a smile as they hug. Barry then hugs Joe and lastly, he hugs Henry. While hugging, his eyes find mine as I give him a small smile. I watch his eyes soften and my heart swells up. I breathe out a chuckle as he pulls away from Henry, walking over to me. He looks at me, staring at me in the eyes and I watch as lightning flickers trough his eyes. I scoff with a smile, looking at him as a smile forms on his face.

"I missed you," I breathe out, my voice barely above a whisper. "It was the longest day of my life."

"I missed you too," He says, stepping closer to me. My eyes dart away from him, looking behind him to find the room empty. My eyes meet his again as I kiss him. My arms wrapping around his neck as his fall on my waist, trailing down to my hips, pulling me against him.

I small moan erupts in the back of my throat as I kiss him harder, him kissing back with equal force. I feel my entire body burning up, knowing that I'm burning Barry slightly. Along with that, I feel the charge of his powers, hitting all over my body, stronger than before, making me gasp. I pull away from him before things go too far, breathing heavily. Our noses are touching, our faces still close to each other as we smile.

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