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18.1 guyliner

"Tell me everything that you know about Cisco's doppelganger," Barry asks Harry

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"Tell me everything that you know about Cisco's doppelganger," Barry asks Harry.

"Reverb," Harry recognizes.

"What were Reverb's powers on your Earth?" I ask.

"He could tap into the multi-dimensional energies between Earths. He could see through dimensions. Find breachers, like Ramon," Harry says.

"I mean, we... we saw Reverb do more than that though, right?" Barry asks. "I mean, we saw him shoot vibrational bursts out of his hands. Really painful ones."

"What do you mean?" Caitlin asks.

"Reverb had the ability to somehow manipulate that multi-dimensional energy," I explain.

"What's your point?" Harry asks.

"Our point is... if his powers are linked to the energy that ties together the multi-verse... if he can manipulate it..." Barry trails off.

"Then he can open a breach to any Earth he wants," I finish.

"And if Reverb could do it..." Barry trails off.

"I could do it too," Cisco says.

"Cisco, I think the way back to Earth-2 is you," Barry says.


We watch as Cisco stands in the breach room, his hand up in front of him, struggling to open a breach. He sighs, opening his eyes. "I got nothing," He says, turning to us.

"Try again, okay?" Barry asks.

"Barry, what if he can't do it because he thinks he can't do it?" Caitlin asks.

"He can do it though," Barry says. "You can do it."

Cisco tried again but when he can't, he scoffs putting his hand down. We walk over to him as Barry says, "You... it's gonna work, okay. Maybe we're just not in the right place."

"Or maybe I'm just not the right man for the job," Cisco says. "Right? Let's go."

"Cisco," I call after him as he walks away.

"I'm sorry," Caitlin says walking after him.

Barry sighs turning to me. "It's gonna work," He says stubbornly and I give him a nod.


"This area has the highest levels of residual trans-dimensional energy," Barry says as me and Cisco follow behind him into a room. "Should be able to open the breach that used to be here..., It's right here.This is it."

"For real? In this Patch Adams nightmare right here?" Cisco asks.

"It's not that bad," I tell him.

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