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9.5 happy new year

"Barry!" I exclaim as I walk into the bedroom, closing the door with my foot

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"Barry!" I exclaim as I walk into the bedroom, closing the door with my foot.

He looks up from the laptop and exclaims in surprise, his eyes going to the baby girl- who's about two years old- in my arms. "Who is- Liv... did you kidnap that child?" Barry asks.

"Yes, I took this child from the playground." Barry gives me an indescribable look. "No! I didn't kidnap her! That's the first thing you thought of?" I ask, as he nods sheepishly, scratching the back of his neck.

"So, Who is this?" Barry asks, getting up.

"This is Lucas and Rowan's daughter. They were going out for a swim and they wanted to go alone, you know?" I ask as he nods. "I suggested that I'd take care of little Natalie for them."

He smiles as he looks at us. He walks over and puts his arms around my waist. "You are amazing," He says.

"I know," I respond and Natalie laughs. I smile and look at Barry to see him smiling as well. We chuckle as we look at Natalie.

Barry then motions for me to give Natalie to him as I comply. He holds her in his arms and she immediately smiles. "I think she likes you more!" I say and he shrugs with a smile.

"I seem to have that effect on people," Barry responds as he tickles the little girl. I smile at Barry who is smiling at the laughing child in his arms.


For the past few hours, me and Barry have been playing with Natalie, and cleaning her diapers. Barry finally put her to sleep and we both sighed in exhaustion.

"Taking care of a baby is so hard," I whine, looking at Natalie. She's sleeping on the bed, while we are both bundled up on the couch. "But when she's asleep, she looks so cute I just wanna wake her up."

Barry runs his fingers through my hair and smiles. "I know," He says quietly, as I snuggle closer to him, sighing in his warmth. He kisses the top of my head. "You wanna take a nap? While she's asleep?"

"Yes please," I sigh as get comfortable on the couch. Barry wraps his arms around me as I burry my head in his chest.

We are just about to fall asleep when we hear soft cries. Our eyes snap open as we see Natalie awake and crying. We sigh and get up.

Here we go again.


"Hey!" Everyone from Central City says. Rowan and Lucas had picked up Natalie a couple of hours earlier. We had taken a long nap afterwards and woke up to Joe calling us.

"Hey Guys," I say into the laptop.

"Hey, Where's Barry?" Iris asks.

"Oh, he's in the bathroom. He'll be right here," I say.

"Ok," Iris says.

"So how did thing's go with Wally?" I ask. "Speaking of which, where is he?"

"Uh, I'm right here," Wally says. I see him standing in the back his hand raised a bit.

"Well this is awkward," I comment, and then turn to him. "Hi!"

"Hi?" He answers.

"Oh sorry. I should introduce myself. I'm Olivia. I'm Uh- Barry's girlfriend," I say.

"Cool," He nods. "You obviously know me already."

"Oh no, it's not like-"

"Hey guys!" Barry says.

"Hey!" They answer. He kisses my cheek and sits down next to me. We are sitting on the balcony of the hotel room with the laptop on a table in front of us.

When Wally left to go to the bathroom, Barry talked about him with Iris and Joe. Everything was going... well. Cisco and I talked about a new project he's working on. Me and Cait also talked about her an Jay which was... exciting.

"So, how is Harry?" I ask, Cisco.

"Uh- I haven't seen him in a while," Cisco says. "But he's probably alright."

"Yeah," I say unconvinced.

"What's up with you? You seem like you're glowing," Cisco says and gasps. "Are you pregnant?"

"What? No," I say, thinking about Natalie. "I am not ready for that. At all."

"So, then what happened?" Cisco says.

I look over to Barry, who was talking to Joe from his phone. I smile and look back at Cisco.

"Barry said- Barry told me that- that he... loves me," I finally say. I jump when Cisco squeals incredibly loud. I see everyone turn to him and Barry turn to me. He raises a brow as I wave him off.

"Oh shut up," Cisco says to everyone and then turns to me. "Really?!"

"Yeah," I nod.

"Did you say it back? Please tell me you didn't leave my man hanging," Cisco says.

"I didn't. I said it back," I say, not being able to stop my smile.

"You did?! What about the whole Iris thing?" Cisco asks.

"We can change it. We can stop it from happening.... Right?" I ask.

"Yeah. Of course you can. You're Balivia," Cisco says as I chuckle. We stuck with that one didn't we.

"If anyone can work through this, it's you guys," He says.

"The countdown's about to begin," I hear Joe yell.

"Oh," I say as we see everyone turn to the tv. Barry stops talking and walks over to me. I scoot over as he sits down next to me, putting his arm around me as I snuggle into him.

Cisco moves the laptop so we can see everyone. We all start counting down.






5. I look at Barry and I he smiles at me as we continue counting down.




Barry kisses me before I get a chance to say one. I kiss him back and pull away when I hear fireworks go off for New Years.

"I love you."

"I love you too."


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