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15.0 transparency

"Boom!" I say, with a laugh

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"Boom!" I say, with a laugh. "I win!" Harry laughs and rolls his eyes. Harry and Jesse had joined me and Mom for dinner, they ended up staying for a bit of game night. We started off with Connect 4 and now finally finished the longest two games of Monopoly ever.

Jesse smiles, rolling her eyes. "Okay, c'mon. We're tied now. One more game to settle the winner?" She asks, her eyes twinkling with determination.

"You're on," I respond, looking at her defiantly and then we start to reset everything.

"Ok," Harry sighs. "You guys can finish up. I don't think I can handle another round of both of your trash talk."

"Hey, we were trying to come up with the worst comebacks," Jesse says as I nod.

"Whatever," Harry says, as he pulls himself off the couch to sit next to mom.

"I'm out too," Mom says. "Two games take long enough."

"Ok. Guess it's just you a me, Wells," I say, looking at Jesse.

"I guess it is, Wells," She responds. We look at each other silently before smiles fall on our faces and we start laughing at our exchange.

Harry suddenly sighs loudly as we look up at him. He puts his wrist down from his face and says, "It's getting late. We gotta go, Jess."

Jessie and I sigh in disappointment. "I guess I'll have to be you another day, Wells," She says.

"You mean lose to me, Wells," I respond as we get up from the floor. My mom and Harry share some goodbyes, as she does the same with Jesse. I then teleport them back to S.T.A.R. Labs and smile at Jesse. "I'm holding you to that Monopoly game."

"Wouldn't have it any other way," She responds with a smirk, before I teleport back home. When I do, I see Barry standing there, his sweatshirt in his hands, his head hung low, as if he's hiding his face. My mom is gone, in her bedroom most likely.

"Barry?" I ask, looking at him. I walk closer to him and lift his face up to see his eyes red. "Barry, talk to me. Are you okay?"

He clears his throat, blinking. "I'm fine," He says. "I just came to get my sweatshirt." He quickly turns and starts to head towards the door when I teleport in front of him.

"I'm not letting you leave until you tell me what's wrong," I say, crossing my arms.

"It's nothing, Liv. Just drop it," He says, harshly.

"No," I respond just as defiantly. "When we started this, you told me that we need to be completely transparent with our emotions. If something's bothering us, we tell each other. And I have been doing that. Now it's your turn."

Barry sighs. "Liv, some things are just better left alone," He says.

I sigh, hurt deeply by the walls he put up. "You won't tell me what's going on?" I ask him as he stands there, not saying a word, lowering his eyes. "Then get out."

"Liv, I-"

"You either tell me what's wrong or leave," I say, in a dangerously calm tone. "Will you tell me?" He doesn't say a word. "Then leave, Barry. Don't talk to me until you're ready to talk to me.... Or don't talk to me at all. You've kept everything else from me. What's one more secret?"

"I have not kept my feelings from you Liv," Barry says, holding his ground.

I scoff. "Really? What about Thawne? About Harry? About Ronnie? About me being a wanted criminal? About Zoom? Every one of these things have bothered you, and I knew but I still keep waiting. Waiting for you to tell me yourself."

"But you didn't... you don't. Not even when I ask. I have to stand there and watch you handle this by yourself, because you. don't. trust me. You don't trust me enough to tell me these things. I have let every one of my walls slowly crumble around you and you- you can't even tell me when you don't like something."

"Liv, I-"

"Transparency. You said you wanted that. I want that too," I tell him. "I'll give you time. I've been giving you time forever. I can't be with you if you don't trust me. Trust me enough to tell me what you're feeling. Figure it out, Barry. Otherwise, I don't know if I can do this anymore."

Barry sighs looking at me, hurt filling his eyes. "I- Liv please don't do this," He says, trying to grab my hands as I pull away.

He looks at me one last time, then speeds away, shutting the door behind me. Tears fill my eyes as I recall the ultimatum I've set for Barry. It's fair. You're not gonna be a part of a one sided relationship. He has to trust you for this to work. You did the right thing.

Maybe not at the right time. But you did the right thing.

I look at the monopoly game set up as I head over to it and start cleaning up. I pick up some of the pieces and put them in the box as I wipe some tears falling. My vision starts to blur as I blink quickly to push them back. Once they settle, I wipe my eyes and go back to cleaning up, wondering if my relationship with Barry would soon be coming to an end.

 Once they settle, I wipe my eyes and go back to cleaning up, wondering if my relationship with Barry would soon be coming to an end

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