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13.0 welcome to earth-2

Me and Barry are traveling around town closing the breaches

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Me and Barry are traveling around town closing the breaches. Once we are done, we run/teleport back into the Cortex.

"Bam. Whoo," Cisco cheers.

"Not bad for a couple of people who got C's in gym," Barry says.

"D plus," Caitlin says.

"Straight up F right here," Cisco comments.

"Can't believe it. We closed all the breaches," Cait says.

"All except the one. Our last way to Earth-2," Barry says.

"Ready?" Harry asks walking in.

"Yeah, I just have a few things to take care of first," Barry tells him.

"Just a reminder, Allen... Clock's ticking," Harry reminds.

"It always is."


"All right, Barry, listen to me. You're about to go through the looking glass. You're gonna see things that look and feel familiar, but they're not. Up is down. Black is white, and do not let yourself get sucked in emotionally, and good luck," Jay explains.

"Look, if we're not back in 48 hours, that means that Zoom has us. If that happens, you have to close the breach," I say.

"We're not gonna do that," Caitlin says.

"You get yourself back here in one piece, all right? Don't make me come and get you," Joe says to Barry as they hug.

"I wrote this for my parents and Dante. If I don't come back, make sure he gets them," Cisco says.

"Cisco, you're coming back. You both are," Caitlin tells us.

"Caitlin, please."

"Okay, I will," Cait says.

"Thank you,"He responds and then the three of us all hug. When we pull away, Joe walks up to me.

"Be careful," Joe says.

I nod as he gives me a hug.

Harry sighs, standing next to Barry as we look at the breach. "You don't have to do this," He says.

"Yeah, I do," Barry says, as we begin walking to the breach.

"Is anybody else feeling panic right now? I chickened out of bungee jumping when I was 18, but this is categorically a lot scarier," Cisco says.

"You want me to carry you?" I ask him, a smile playing my lips.

"You know, I might just consider that."

"Once I turn the speed cannon on, the four of you will be able to pass through unharmed, but Barry, you need to make sure you keep your speed up," Jay tells Barry as he nods.

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