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9.0 the godfather

I am leaning against Barry's forensics table, Barry against me, kissing me

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I am leaning against Barry's forensics table, Barry against me, kissing me. "You know- anyone could walk in- like, Joe or- Mmm- or Captain Singh," I say in between kisses.

"Joe doesn't care and Captain- well, we can worry about that later," Barry says, kissing me again. I feel flames flicker off of me as electricity strikes me everywhere.

Suddenly I hear footsteps and I pull away from Barry as we turn to see who's at the door. "Yo," Barry greets Iris.

"Iris," I say. "Hey."

"Hey," She smiles at me. "You guys seem to be getting comfortable for not having either of your Christmas presents ready."

Me and Barry give her a look as she chuckles. "Well that makes me feel less guilty," I comment.

"Yeah. I promise I'll get you something you'll like," Barry says.

"I know. I'll find something good too," I say. "I'll see you guys later." I give Barry a kiss before leaving.


I walk through the isles of the store and see something that Barry would like. I head towards it but bump into someone. "Oh, I'm sorry," I say.

"No, I'm sorry," The Guy says as I step back to see a guy with black hair and blue eyes smiling at me. The guy seemed fairly familiar but I couldn't quite place it. "So you Christmas shopping?"

"Uh Yeah," I tell him. "I am."

"For who?" He asks.

"Uh- my boyfriend," I say.

"Nice. I'm looking for stuff for mine too. And our little girl," The Guy says making me smile.

"That's wonderful," I say. "I guess I should let you get back to shopping."

"And I should let you. I'll see you around," He says as I nod.



"Captain Singh? You wanted to see me?" I ask, walking into his office.

"Allen. Sit down," He says as I take a seat. "There's this case they need help with down in Coast City. I promised I would send one of my guys."

"Captain, I don't think I can-"

"I already sent them your name, Allen. It's only for a couple of days. You're gonna be able to spend Christmas here but unfortunately, I couldn't get you back by New Years," Singh explains.

"Isn't there anyone else you can send?" I ask. I can't go, with all of the Flash stuff.

He shakes his head. "Sorry."

I sigh. "I- Okay."

"Here are the precinct pass and the hotel reservations," Singh says leaning forward to give them. "You better leave a good impression, Allen. I already shortened the amount of time they were asking you for, saying you could handle it and I got you a nice resort... I figured you'd want to spend New Years with Miss.Wells."

I look at the papers and smile. "Uh, Yeah. I do. Thank you."


O L I V I A  P O V

"Oh, yeah. The Weather Wizard, Captain Cold, and the Trickster," Cisco says.

"There's three of them and two of you. I do not like those odds," Cait adds.

"And I'm gonna be no help without my speed, so..." Jay trails off.

"Oh, oh, light bulb up here. I have an idea. Most weather phenomena are marked, no pun intended, by the change of electric charge and pressure in the atmosphere," Cisco starts and I catch on.

"We could just map out those fluctuations..." I add as Barry joins in. "To pinpoint his location."

"Right, it would just be a matter of removing all... The electricity from his immediate surroundings," I say.

"Attracting it to one spot," Me and Barry say in unison as I look at him weird.

"The same way a lightning rod does. Only instead of a lightning rod, we could use..." Cisco trails off.

"A wand?" Barry asks.

"Have we already had this conversation?" Cisco asks.

"Kind of," Barry answers.

"What does that mean?" Harry asks.

"All right, so the last time Mardon attacked, he, um, generated a tidal wave that destroyed all of Central City," Barry explains. And he traveled back in time. Right I forgot he told me about that.

"So why are you not all sleeping with the fishes?" Harry asks.

"Earth-2 has "The Godfather?" Cisco asks.

"Every Earth has "The Godfather," Vito," Harry answers as Jay nods.

"So I ran back through time. One day into the past and I got a do-over and I stopped Mardon before he could hurt anyone," Barry says.

"You shouldn't have messed with the timeline," Harry says.

"That's what the other Wells said," Barry says and then turns to Cisco. "So the good news is, in that timeline, you created The Wand and it worked. So you just got to do it again. For the first time."

"Yeah, no pressure," Cisco says.

"I can give you a hand," Me and Jay say at the same time.

"Best of both worlds?" Cisco asks.

"I like that."

Jay, Cisco and I then head out.


I try to unfold my new wings but they seem to stay for a minute before closing back up. I was fine a few days ago when we were fighting Savage, I was even able to use them to get to places, but ever since that fight, ever since Savage's staff disappeared, my wings seemed to not be what they once were.

On top of that, I had found my teleportation back. When Caitlin checked me, she mentioned that my teleportation is only temporary, the dark matter in my body is slowly burning away. However, it hadn't seemed to affect any of my other powers.

I wasn't exactly sure what was going on with my powers but I intended to find out soon. Remembering what Carter told me, I quickly grabbed my laptop and searched up phoenix birds in ancient Egypt and began reading.

 Remembering what Carter told me, I quickly grabbed my laptop and searched up phoenix birds in ancient Egypt and began reading

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