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14.0 lady blackhawk

B A R R Y  P O V

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"It's Barry," I tell Liv, even though she hasn't met this version of me. She looks me up and down and then her eyes narrow.

"You're- You're not my Barry," She suddenly says. "My Barry would never be stupid enough to get involved with Zoom... and he has these cute, round glasses."

I chuckle lightly, a smile sadly at her. "You're right I'm not you're Barry." I sit down in front of her so we are face to face. "But I am Barry."

"You're from another universe aren't you?" She asks, keeping her voice low as I nod. "I guess I should introduce myself. I'm Natalie Olivia Reed."

"Natalie?" I ask, confused. "Then why does your Barry call you Liv?"

"It's a long story," She answers and seems to drift into a memory before she shakes her head.

"So, are you still known as the Phoenix here?" I ask and she shakes her head.

"The Phoenix is my sister. I'm Lady Blackhawk from the Birds of Prey," She answers.

"The Birds of Prey? What are the Birds of Prey?" I ask confused as ever.

"We're a group of girls- and like one guy- saving the city, but we don't exactly operate in Central City," She explains. "We're called the Birds of Prey cause we're mostly all Birds: Canaries, Hawks, Doves, etcetera. My sister was the one to come up with the name." Maybe there could be people like that on our earth.

"You're sister seems great. How- How did you end up trapped here?" I asked her.

"My sister, actually. She... she died," She says slowly.

"I am so sorry," I tell her.

"It's alright. My sister died, fighting Zoom. She was a good friend of the Flash and when she realized she got powers herself, she wanted to help him out," Natalie explained. "I don't have any powers. All I have is just impeccable skill- if I do say so myself- but I still came to finish this for her. I actually put up quite a fight but Zoom got to me soon enough and locked me up in here."

"He tortures me everyday, trying to get me to turn to his side," She says, lifting her arms to show the burn marks. My hands form fists as I remember the day my Liv came back from the league with burns all over her body. "He hasn't broken me yet," She finishes. "I won't let him break me."

I smile lightly. "I'll get you out. I promise. I won't let him break you either."



"Harry," I say as me and Cisco walk into Star Labs. When we see a gun pointed at him, I reflexively hold a hand out in front of me, flames crackling around it.

Cisco however, pulls himself against a wall and yells, "Don't shoot!"

Harry sighs and puts the gun down. "Damn it, you two," Harry says. "Where's Allen?"

"Zoom took him," I say.

"What?" My mom asks.

"We tracked down Deathstorm and Killer Frost, met my doppelganger, Reverb... super evil guy, super evil powers. The three of them almost took down Barry until Zoom showed up, killed Cisco-2, killed Deathstorm for hurting a speedster. But then he left Killer Frost alive and then took off with Barry," Cisco explains.

"How are you two still alive?" Harry asks.

"Looks like he cares even less about us than you do, Harry," I say.

"No, no. Zoom doesn't do anything by accident. Did he follow you here?" Harry asks.

"I've seen "Heat" like 50 times, okay? I know how to shake a tail," Cisco comments.

I roll my eyes at Cisco and turn to Harry. "I'm a highly trained assassin. I know how to sneak around in the shadows. Trust me... He didn't follow us," I say, and I see my mother's eyes widen. I may or may have forgotten to tell her the assassin stuff.

"But check this out. I jacked these from my dead ringer. I think we can tweak these puppies... use them to find Zoom," Cisco suggests.

"Damn it, Ramon, we don't have time for this. Zoom is hunting us... Zoom is hunting us!" Harry yells. "We need to make an alternate plan, because if we don't, Zoom..."

"Stop thinking like that, okay? We're gonna find Jesse, and we're gonna find Barry," Cisco says to the both of us. "I know we will."

"Hello? Is anyone there? Okay, whoever's responsible for this, oh, ho, ho... boy, we're gonna have words, the two of us, okay? This is not okay." I hear Earth-2 Barry's voice say.

"How the hell is he awake?" I ask. "I put him in a state of temporary death."

"I don't know," Harry says.

"I don't know," Harry says

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