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2.4 sand demon

Me and Jay stand and watch Barry run around and try to throw lightning

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Me and Jay stand and watch Barry run around and try to throw lightning. "Again," Jay says.

Barry sighs. "I've been doing this for an hour. It's not working," He says. "Do we really need both me and Liv to do this?"

"Liv's force field alone does not have enough lightning to harness. Her powers are of fire, there's only so much lightning she can make without tiring herself out. We need the both of you. And it's not working because you're trying to rush it," Jay says. "This is the one time you need to slow down. Let the energy pass over you, then simply direct it to where you want it to go."

"All right, Jay... I don't know if I'm gonna get this in time," Barry says.

"You'll get it. I believe in you," Jay says.

"The last person that helped me like this was a man that I looked up to. Idolized. He taught me how to get faster, how to get stronger, how to use my powers to save people. That same man murdered my mother," Barry explains making my suck in a breath. That's the spirit.

"It's a tough break, but I'm not him," Jay says.

"Yeah," Barry nods, hooking his pinky in mine for comfort.

"I know where they are!" Cisco runs in. "The abandoned Woodrue grow house. That's where Slick's keeping Patty. Dude, great job. And I was thinking, if I were Sand Demon and I were attacking a speedster on two fronts, I would probably want to slow you down, like, by using a concussive bomb or something like that."

"That's a good thought. He's actually used one on me before," Jay says. "His body absorbs the blast so it doesn't affect him. Well, kid, gonna have to think of something."

"You know what? What if we give Slick a diversion? He knows you, right? You said you went up against him," Barry says.

"Yeah, but, Barry, I don't have my speed," Jay argues.

"He doesn't know that," I say. "You got your suit?"

"Sure. Well, except my helmet," He says.

"Helmet? Silver kettle helmet? Gold wings?" Stein asks.

"Don't tell me you guys found it."


"Never thought I'd see that again," Jay says taking the helmet. "It was my father's, from the War of the Americas."

"Did you just say War of the Americas?" I ask.

"I wish you would have just told us you lost your helmet. Would have saved us all a headache," Barry says as Cait puts the helmet on Jay.

"Well, sure you want to do this, Flash?" Barry asks.

"Yeah. Let's go see what you're made of... Flash."


"I'm in the security feed.Go, Barry!" I hear Cisco say. Barry then runs in the warehouse and stands next to me, as we watch Jay and Sand Demon.

"Is that you, Flash? Found your way here," Sand Demon asks.

"I came quite a distance," Jay says making him turn around.

"I thought you were dead," Sand Demon responds.

"You were wrong. Like usual," Jay says. "Let the girl go."

"Have at it. But you touch her, she goes boom," Sand Demon says. "And I think even you aren't fast enough to save her."

Jay tries to punch Sand Demon, which he deflects each time. "Quite a bit slower on this Earth, aren't you, Flash?" Jay then punches Sand Demon and then Sand Demon comes back with a bunch of punches. "You don't have your speed, do you?" Sand Demon asks.

"Slick's distracted. Go, Barry," Cisco says. Barry runs for Patty and gets her out of their as quickly as possible. When he does, the bomb goes off. Barry runs Patty behind me as I protect us both with my force field, the pressure from the bomb making it harder. After the bomb goes off and stops, I stop my force field as Barry checks on Patty.

"Patty's alive," Barry says.

"Must be my lucky day. Zoom sent me here to kill you. Now I get to kill The Flash from two worlds before I go home," Sand Demon says before choking Jay.

"He's choking Jay," I hear Cait say.

"Barry, we have to do it do," I say. He nods and starts running around us as I open a force field around my. I then slowly move my hands to activate my pyrokinesis. When I watch it fill into the force field, I start to push my hands closer to each other, bringing the force field into a small ball floating in my hands. You can see the red electricity crackling inside it. I then pull back and launch it at Sand Demon at the same time Barry throws his lightning. Sand Demon turns to glass and falls on the ground, shattering into pieces.

"You okay?" I ask, as me and Barry walk over to Jay.

"Yeah. I'm okay. Nice shot, you two," He responds.

"Phoenix? Flash?" We hear Patty say.



"It appears that while we were indeed successful in closing the singularity, there was an unfortunate side effect," Stein says.

"What are you talking about?" Barry asks.

"Using electrophotography, Cisco and I were able to search Central City for any signs of energy entering our earth from another dimension. From any "breaches", as Mr. Garrick described them," Stein explains.

"But, of course, there isn't just one breach. There's 52 of them scattered throughout the city," Cisco says. Of course.

"These breaches are pockets of time and space folded into and upon itself," Stein says. "But the most significant breach of all appears to be this one."

Cisco shows us a breach. "And where exactly is that located?" Caitlin asks.

"It's here, inside S.T.A.R. Labs. And just beyond that breach is an entirely diff... fferent..."  Professor Stein suddenly falls to the ground and we all run to him.

"Professor? Professor!"

"Professor? Professor!"

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