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1.4 forward

Barry uses a a light with the flash symbol on it to call put Atom Smasher

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Barry uses a a light with the flash symbol on it to call put Atom Smasher. "What's up? I see you got my message," I hear Barry say.

"That light was perfect bait," Cait says. "What made you think of that?"

"I don't know, I think I saw it in a comic book somewhere," Cisco tells us.

"You want me? You're gonna have to catch me," Barry says and runs.

"It's working, Barry. Rothstein's following you," I say into the comms.

"I must say, he's quite agile for a man his size," Stein comments.

"Run, Barry, run. Come on," Joe says.

"No, I knew you could. Now, Cisco!" Barry commands.

Cisco hits the button. "The amount of radiation about to flood that room..." Cait trails off.

"Atom Smasher won't be able to absorb it all," I say.

"The radiation's been cleared. It's safe for you to go in," Cisco says.

"I'm sorry. I couldn't let you hurt anyone else," I hear Barry say. "Why? Why did you want to kill me?"

"He promised he'd take me home... if I killed you."

"Who? Who promised you that?"



When the door opens and Henry and Barry walk in, we all cheer and welcome them home. Henry hugs Joe and Iris first, then goes around to the rest of us. He hugs me and whispers, "Thank you." I nod and pull away.

Stein gets our attention. "Gather round, everyone, please," He says. Barry stands next to me and Henry on his other side, a glass in everyone's hands. "Looking at all of you, thinking how far we've all come, and remembering those who are no longer with us, I'm reminded of a Hebrew word used during times of graduation. Kadima. It means, "Forward."

"Forward," Joe says.

"Forward," Then Iris.

"Forward." Cisco.

"Forward." Caitlin.

"Forward." Henry.

"Forward." Barry says, moving his hand to hook his pinky into mine.

" Barry says, moving his hand to hook his pinky into mine

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"Forward." I finally say, with a small smile. I then let Barry and Henry talk alone as I go talk to everyone else.


"Hey," I say as I open my door.

"Hey," Barry says walking in. When I close the door and turn around, I see Barry has already made himself comfortable on the couch. I grab a key off the counter and then go sit down next to Barry. He wraps an arm around my shoulders as I turn a bit to look at him.

"I was thinking," I say. "You've got a key to the city, I think it's time you got a key to my house.... I mean, what if I need saving in the middle of the night?" I smile and then give Barry the key.

He takes it and says, "I doubt you'll need saving. I'd probably have to save the other guy."

After some silence, I ask, "What's up? You seem tense."

Barry sighs. "I just- Dad is leaving. I just got him back, I didn't think he would leave so soon."

I frown, "Well he just got out of jail. He doesn't want you to have someone else on your mind on the huge list of people you need to protect. Plus, he's alive, and he's not going anywhere. You can speed over to him whenever you like. I'll teleport you if speeding will take too long."

"Thanks," He says. I smile and reach up to kiss his cheek.

When I pull away from him, he reaches down and kisses me on the lips. I turn so that I am facing him and deepen the kiss. I wrap my arms around his neck and pull him down, the key falling to the ground with a 'clank'. He pulls me underneath him, as we settle down on the couch, his mouth never leaving mine. His hands roam my body and slowly settle underneath my shirt. His cold hands send shivers through my burning body and I gasp at the touch. He takes the chance to slip his tongue in my mouth. He pushes his body against mine as my hands move to tug his shirt. He pulls away and takes his shirt off.

His lips connect with my jaw as he trails kisses on my jaw and to my ear. He nibbles on my ear making me moan and then trails kisses down my neck. When he gets just above my collarbone, I gasp, and feel him smile against my neck. He then kisses that spot hard and places a love bite on it. We continue like this for a while, forgetting about all of the horrors of the past few months.


Barry walks into the Cortex the next day with Joe. He winks at me, and has lightning run through his eyes, making me smile at him. "Hey, guess what?" Cisco asks. "I added a little upgrade to your suit." He turns the light above the flash suit on to reveal the new logo with the white. "It's just like the one from the future newspaper Gideon showed us. I was thinking, you know, you shouldn't fear the future anymore, right?"

"No, and it'll be here faster than we think," Barry says.

"Well, see, I like it. The lightning definitely pops more against the white," Stein says.

"And S.T.A.R. Labs is now safer than ever," Cait adds. "Increased security and surveillance."

"Re-coded, double firewalled, electronic lock sets. Nothing is getting through here without us knowing," Cisco says.

"So people can't just waltz in and out of here," I add.

"Exactly," Someone says making us turn to reveal a figure.

"For real?" Me and a Cisco ask in unison.

"Stay where you are," Joe says, holding up a gun.

"Who are you?" Barry asks.

"You don't know me, but I know you... Barry Allen," The guys says.

"Take one more step, it'll be the last step you take," Joe says.

"The man asked you a question. Who the hell are you?" I ask.

"My name is Jay Garrick, and your world is in danger."


And we are back! Thank you so much to all of you who read the previous book and thought it was good enough to read this one.

That was the first episode. I know Barry and Liv secretly got together offscreen but don't worry, there will be more flashbacks to explain stuff like their first date. Other than that, I really hoped you liked the start to this new season.

 Other than that, I really hoped you liked the start to this new season

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