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15.2 obvious

"Hello?" I say into the phone

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"Hello?" I say into the phone.

"Hey, Liv. So, when are you gonna come and meet our little girl?" Steve says making me gasp in shock.

My eyes widen as I quickly process this and say, "What? How- She's- You guys had her?"

"Yeah. Did Caitlin not tell you?" He responds.

"Oh," I say recalling the recent events. "She's had a rough week. But I swear, I'll be there. I'll come by soon."

"Okay. Okay," He says, trying to calm himself down. "See you here."

"See ya," I respond and end the call. As I do, I don't pay attention to my surroundings and accidentally run the wheelchair into the wall as my phone falls on my lap.

I hear a chuckle behind me and slowly turn the wheelchair around to see Barry smiling. "You good?" He asks.

"Yeah," I say with a sigh and then pick up my phone from my lap.

"Liv?" He says as I look up at him. "I know things aren't the best between us right now-"

Not the best? We're on the verge of breaking up.

"-but can we pretend we're fine for everyone else's sake. I don't want them to get involved," Barry says.

"I don't want them to get involved either. But I can't pretend that we're fine," I tell him as the smile on his face drops. "We're not fine Barry. I'm not pretending like we are because when we do that- we end up believing it and then the problem never gets solved."

"That's not what I'm asking you to do," He tells me.

"I know that," I say. "But that's what'll end up happening. Even if we don't want it to. So, I'm sorry... but I can't pretend like everything's fine."


Me and Barry travel around the waterfront, looking for King Shark. When we find nothing, we head over to John.

"Anything?" He asks.

"No, man, nothing yet," Barry responds as I nod.

"Yeah, so far, nothing on our end either," Dig says.

"Let's just hope Harry is doing better than we are," I say. "Hey, how's Felicity doing?"

"Well, I'm not gonna lie, Liv, it was pretty rough there at first, but you know Felicity, she's tough," Dig says.

"Yeah, she's just not returning any of my calls and, I would've teleported over to check on her but we had so much going on I didn't get a chance," I explain. "I just- I'm worried."

"She has a lot going on right now," Dig says. "Hey, I'll ask if she can give you a call when this is all over."

"Just want to catch this thing, man, have everything to do with Zoom and Earth-2 put behind us, so we can just move on with our lives," Barry says.

"Starting to do that thing Oliver does, Barry, carry the weight of the world on your shoulders," Dig says. "Got to stop that, man, it's gonna slow you down."

"Still nothing," Lyla says walking over. "Status check, Grid six."

"Hold on, I think we got something."


"So much for cleaning up after Waller's messes. We don't find King Shark soon, someone's gonna be cleaning up after mine," Lyla says.

"We'll find him, Lyla," Dig says.

"All right, I searched the whole area," Barry says. "He's gone."

"Couldn't have gotten far. Still, he knows we're here now. We lost the element of surprise," I say.

"Not if Wells can figure out a way to track him," Barry says.

"In the meantime, we'll keep looking," Lyla says.

"All right, I'll meet up with you guys later. I got to go see Joe's son," Barry says slowly.

"Okay, I thought our relationship was hard to follow," John says.

"See ya," Barry chuckles and runs away. I look over to see Dig staring after him making me chuckle.

"He's fast, John, get over it," Lyla tells him.



"Hey, Lyla," I say as I watch her sit down in front of me.

"Hey," She says with a smile. "You okay?"

"Yeah," I lie, giving her a fake smile. "I'm fine."

"Come on, tell me what's wrong." She asks, seeing right through me. "Is this about whatever's going on between you and Barry?"

"Is it that obvious that something's going on?" I ask her.

"To anyone who's ever been in a relationship," She says. "Me and Johnny have had enough fights of our own to know when somethings going on."

I nod, slightly smiling as I straighten in my seat. "So you wanna talk?" She asks.

I nod, saying, "Barry... has been keeping stuff from me."

"Aren't you keeping stuff from him too?" Lyla asks.

"Not stuff about my feelings. He- he won't tell me if something's bothering him," I tell her. "He thinks he's protecting me but not telling me is ruining our relationship.

"He had asked for transparency in this relationship but he's not following through on his own words and I hate- I hate sitting here being able to do nothing about what he's going through, cause I don't know what he's going through!!"

"Hey, calm down Liv. He's just having some trouble being able to open up. Me and Johnny had a similar problem. Just give him some space, and he'll come to you when he's ready," Lyla tells me.

"Lyla, when I give him space, he ends up never coming to me," I tell her. "I finally said something about it yesterday and we- I don't know if we're even we anymore."

"Give him some time. He'll come around. He loves you and I doubt he'll let this break up your relationship," Lyla tells me. "Till then, try to see it from his perspective too. It'll help make it easier to fix things."

"I will," I say. "Thank you, Lyla."


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