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19.1 disbanding

Suddenly, a loud beeping starts to occur in S

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Suddenly, a loud beeping starts to occur in S.T.A.R. Labs, making me quickly head for the Cortex.

"What happened?" I ask Cisco and Barry. "Is it Harry?"

"Uhh- Yeah, actually," Cisco says, looking at the screen. "The camera in the lab van recorded an accident. See, this is my version of crash assist. It's like those Russian dash cams, but, you know, without attack helicopters and bad pop music on the radio."

"That does not look like an accident," I say looking at the video
up on the screen.

"First Caitlin's taken, now Wells," Barry says.

"This is where he got taken, but there aren't any traffic cams in that area," Cisco says.

"I'm gonna head out there, see what I can find," I say.

"I'll come with you," Barry says as I nod.

"I'll analyze this footage and see if we can figure out who this is," Cisco says.

"All right," I nod.

"Wait, what was the last place the van stopped?" Barry asks, putting on his jacket.

"Woodmen and Shore for about 15 minutes before heading back to Central City. Why?" Cisco asks.

"That's where Jesse must be," He says. "She should know if something's happened to her dad."


I sigh when I look in the rear view mirror. "What?" Barry asks.

I start to slow down the car as I say, "A League member is following us."

"What!? What do they want from you now?" He asks.

"I don't know," I say, stopping the car. "Let's find out."

We both get out of the car, leaning on the hood of it as the League member drops down in front of us. I sigh rolling my eyes at the dramatic landing. "What the hell do you want?" I ask.

"Well, if you must know, the League is disbanding," The male voice says.

I scoff, standing straight. "What?!"

"Yes, Nyssa Al Ghul has destroyed the ring-"

"That bitch," I mutter under my breath as the member continues. I could've lead the league.

"She has reported me to give this to you," He says, holding a big vial up. I gasp looking at it- it was the stuff they used to torture me. I walk closer to get it but the guy tucks the vial-necklace into its robes. "But- I never liked you so you're gonna have to fight me to get it. I'll give it to you once I kick your ass."

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