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4.0 shark teeth

"Hey," Barry says as he walks into the kitchen

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"Hey," Barry says as he walks into the kitchen. He spent the night yesterday, telling Joe he had to stay over at Cisco's for some Flash work.

"Hey," I reply with a small smile as I flip the pancake on the stove. Barry walks over to me and slides his arms around my waist and puts his head on my neck, looking down at the stove.

He places a small kiss on my neck, it sending lightning through my body, before he asked, "Is that for me?" Barry's groggy voice makes my heart flutter as my cheeks stain with color.

"Yup," I say, slowly putting the pancake on its plate on top of a few more. "You hungry?"

"Starving," He says, moving to stand back as I turn the stove off and hand him his plate. I turn to see him wearing no shirt and some sweatpants. My eyes linger on his chest before looking back up to him.

"Hurry up," I say. "We have to get to S.T.A.R. Labs for Professor Stein."

He then speeds eats the pancakes and then cleans up around the kitchen as well.

"That's one way to do it," I slowly state, after he speeds back in front of me.

He chuckles, coming over, wrapping his arms around me. I follow his lead and he looks at me with a smile, saying, "Breakfast was great."

"Don't get too happy. Pancakes are basically all I know how to make," I say, leaning my head against his bare chest.

"You're not that bad," He says, kissing the top of my head. I then pull away from him, kissing his cheek.

"Come on. You gotta get ready," I tell him.

He smiles and then walks into the bedroom to get his clothes he brought last night, so he could get changed in the morning. A few minutes later, he comes back out, fully dressed, hair damp.

When he's back, I am sitting on the couch, looking through some papers on Project FIRESTORM to help with what's going on with Professor Stein. Barry kisses my cheek and is about to sit down next to me, when the doorbell rings. "I'll get it," Barry says. He walks over to the door and then opens the door. I slowly follow after him and see Joe standing there, a sad look on his face.

"Joe?" I ask. How did he know Barry would be here?

"I'm sorry," He says, as Patty walks up to me with handcuffs. Oh. He didn't. He's here for me.

"Olivia Wells you are under arrest for murderer in the third degree, under the alias Tanya Kuznetsov," Patty says as she turns me around and handcuffs me.

I share a look with Barry as he says, "Patty, you have the wrong person. She didn't do anything. She's innocent." No I'm not. "Joe, please."

"I'm sorry Barry," Joe says slowly. "There's nothing I can do."



After visiting S.T.A.R. Labs and figuring out what's wrong with Professor Stein, I go straight to the CCPD. "Barry? Hey, I was just looking for you. I would've called, but I don't have your number yet, so," Patty says.

"Oh, yeah--" I start but she interrupts.

"No, no, no, I just wanted to show you this. These were just found in an alley off of Eastwood Avenue," Patty says, handing me a sample.

"What are these, teeth?" I ask.

"Shark teeth," She answers. "And I have an eyewitness that says he saw a shark walking on land--a man-shark."

"Man-shark?" I ask.

"Yeah. Sounds like a bad sci-fi movie. Or awesome sci-fi movie," Patty says as I chuckle.

"Totally. Um... Are you for real? You think there's actually, like, a shark--" I start.

"Yeah, I mean, I know it sounds really wacko... But, I mean, nothing seems impossible now that we have meta-humans, right? And I thought it would be fun, you know, for us to work together again on a case," Patty explains.

"Yeah, I mean, I really-- I'd love to work on a case with you. Um, it's just, you know, meta-humans aren't really my thing," I tell her.

"Oh, okay, yeah, that's fine. I can handle it. No, you--" Patty starts.

"Look, how about I just-- I'll run a test, see where the teeth came from," I tell her.

"That would be amazing. All right, cool. Thanks," She says, as she leaves, Joe greets her before walking up to me.

"Hey," He sighs to me.

"Hey. How's Liv? Have you heard anything? And why is she being accused of murder?" I bombard questions at Joe. Joe gives me a knowing look.

"If I didn't know any better, I'd say there was something going on between the two of you," Joe says with a small laugh.

"What, Liv? No, I'm--" I scoff. "What are you talking about? I'm not- We're not-"

"You do realize I saw you this morning at her house right?" Joe asks slowly.

I sigh. "I was hoping you forgot about that," I mumble.

"Mm-hmm," Joe simply replies, his eyes narrow. "What is going on between the two of you?"

"I- Okay, we are together... But you can't tell anyone," I quickly add. "We both don't really feel like telling anyone at the moment."

"I won't mention it," Joe says. "And about Liv. You can go see her. She'll tell you what's going on."

I smile forms on my face. "Really?" I ask as he nods. "I- Okay- I- I'm gonna go. Yeah. Yeah, I'm gonna go."

"Well, then..." Joe says, looking at me.

"Okay," I say as I finally leave.

"Okay," I say as I finally leave

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